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I don't know if any of you remember me, but I posted a lot last spring but then
I was out of school for a while and this is my first chance back.  I have had a
lot of experiences with ghosts, I have seen them and communicated with them. 
It's an ability that seems to run in my family.  For example, when my mother
was in high school, her grandfather died.  I remember her telling me about it.
I guess one night around 2 am she was awakened from a deep sleep and when she 
opened her eyes, she saw this figure sitting at the end of her bed.  It looked
like her grandfather and she couldn't understand why he was sitting there or
how he had gotten there.  (I guess he had been very ill and had been in the
hospital for a long time) Anyway, after a while, it looked at her and told her
to take good care of the family then it faded away.  She eventually fell back
asleep and when she woke up the next morning, she had thought she had dreamed
the whole episode until her mother told her that her grandfather had died about
2 am the night before.
My mother isn't the only one in the family that has had experiences with ghosts
.  One of the first things that I ever remember happening to me was when I was
in eighth grade and I was at a Girl Scout sleepover for girls that wanted to be
junior conselors.  That night there was a really bad thunderstorm outside and
when we went to bed, we were all a little bit spooked because of all the
thunder.  Anyway, I remember thinking I had fallen asleep and having a really
bizaar dream.  I remember hearing this voice that sounded like my grandfather's
voice (my mother's father who had died about 3 months before and who I had had
a very close relationship with) and the voice was telling me that it missed me 
and that it wanted me to come with him to this beautiful place.  I remember 
telling it that I didn't want to go with him because I was scared. This voice 
kept trying to convince me that it missed me and I would really enjoy the 
place that it was and it wanted me to be with him.  I kept telling it no and 
that I wanted to stay where I was with my friends and family.  Finally, after 
it being a bit pushy, I yelled at it and told it that I wanted to stay where 
I was and I wanted to enjoy the rest of my life and that I would see him when 
the time was right.  
At that moment, I remember a huge thunder sound and a really bright 
bolt of lightening and then the rain dying down.  I woke up, sat up and looked 
around.  My friend was laying next to me in her sleeping bag just staring at
me. I asked her what had happened and she told me that I had been glowing in a 
greenish color and that I had been talking a lot.  She also told me that she 
had tried to touch me and when she reached towards me, she had recieved a
shock.  I now believe that that "thing" was definitely not my grandfather, but 
something else, and I don't know what would've happened to me if I would've 
decided to follow it to whereever it was.
Well that was only the beginning of the experiences that I remember, if you
would like me to I will post other things later on.. Just let me know. I don't
want to bore anybody with anything so I will only post if you all want me to.
Sarah Peterson

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