char *(null)=" futon.ghost


     This is similar to the experience that I had about 2 years ago. My
brother had just bought  a house near Peggy's Cove  in Nova Scotia and I
decided to head east, congratulate my brother on his first home purchase,
and give myself a months vacation on the east coast. Considering that the
house had just been bought, my brother and sister-in-law had not fully
furnished the house, and I found myself sleeping on a large futon on the
floor of a rather bare bedroom. For the first 2 weeks I slept like rock,
however one night while I was drifting off to sleep, I felt a faint
"fluttering" just under my right eye. Believing that it was a moth or June
Bug, I quickly brushed it away with my hand, but I felt nothing. I
concluded it must have been a  moth of some sort.
     The next night I was "visited" once more. Again, I was drifting off
to sleep when I heard  something rather heavy been placed on the pillow beside
me. Being so close to the floor, my first thought was that a rat had
crawled up onto the futon and was slowly making its way towards my head.
Not being to fond of rodents, I quickly sat up and just before pushing
myself off the futon I felt something  touch me just under my right eye! I
nearly jumped out of my skin! I switched on the light but nothing was there.
     The next morning, I told my brother and sister-in-law of my
experience, and as to be expected, they were skeptical. To be truthful,
several months after that night  I started having doubts as well -- maybe it
was just a dream. However, something else happened in that room that
re-enforced my experience.
     Exactly a year after my visit, a friend of the family was sleeping in
the same room and on the same futon. Supposedly, when she was drifting off
to sleep, she heard the sheets moving and felt someone slide into bed
beside her, she screamed and the  experience ended. Later
she concluded that it (the ghost)  must have been  the size of a child due to
where it was in contact  with her body. 
    I can't say that I believe without a doubt that ghosts do exist, but
I now have an "open mind" on the subject.

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