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Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:11:00 GMT
Organization: Frontline Tel-Com Systems (207)967-0618

Hello, I saw your FAQ in alt.paranormal and wondered if you would pass
on an experience I had over on alt.folklore.ghost-stories to see if I
get any feedback, something I did not get on alt.paranormal.

This is in fact, a true story, while it may not be all that exciting, as
some ghost stories are, it was unnerving to me and my family.

Jan 19, 1995

I woke about 3:56 am, I looked at the the clock upon waking.  I had
fallen asleep on my couch.  All lights and TV were off, except for the
light of the street light out in front of my house which shows through
the window.

After looking at the time, I was about to get up to use the bathroom,
when I noticed a figure coming up the stairs behind the TV (also where
the clock is).  This is a split foyer type house. The figure was wearing
a gray hooded sweatshirt.  I thought for a moment it was my husband who
makes frequent trips at night to stoke our coal stove in the cellar - he
doesn't own a gray hooded sweatshirt though.  As the figure was about to
enter the bathroom at the top of the stairs, it stopped and turned its
head toward me and we locked eyes.  I thought for some reason this six
foot figure might be my four year old son.  A young face? Perhaps. I did
realize it was male.  I was frozen with fear and couldn't move.  I
thought to myself if I turned away and looked back it would be gone but
couldn't move my head!  Finally, about one minute had passed, I was able
to do just that.  And the figure was gone.

The same day but later, I called my mother in N.Carolina, I live in
Maine and told her the story and even mentioned to pass it on to the
rest of the family.  (I don't really have to do that since I know she
would anyway.)  An hour later, I got a call from my brother who had
stopped by my mother's house.  He had seen the same apparition two hours
or so before mine and the only other difference was that his was closer
to black in color and mine was gray all other characteristics were the
same.  I saw a face, he did not.  His visitor passed by him on his back
stairs while letting his dog out at about 2 am.  My brother felt it as
it brushed his face and hair.  It disappeared behind my brother as he
shut the door.  Additionally, my sister found a broken glass in her
cupboard when she returned from work the same day (Jan 19).  She also
lives in N.C.

My brother and I both felt as if we did not know the apparition and we
were both pretty shaken up by it.  We both feel as if it was passing
through and will not be back.  We don't know whether my sister's
shattered glass in her cupboard is related.

We are looking for theories or connections to our story.  If you think
you might have some ideas or ways of looking at our experience, your
help would be greatly appreciated.

As I do not have access to alt.folklore.ghost-stories, please e-mail me
directly  Thank you.
     ** These are my words, not those of Frontline Tel-Com Systems**
        Atlantic Resource Management - - (207)967-0618
         another quality system from... Frontline Tel-Com Systems

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