char *(null)=" ghost.lights


My grandfather told me this story, and it sounds a little bit like the
"Near Experience" story.
My grandfather was the head of the janitorial staff at the University
of Maine until he retired recently.  All of the janitors would report
to him if they had any kind of problems. Each janior is assigned to
their own building.
In one of the buildings, I don't remember which one, a few years ago,
the janitor assigned to the building told my grandfather that he was
having a weird problem with the lights.  He'd start on the third floor,
which is the top floor, and work his way down to the basement, turning
off all the lights when he was finished cleaning.  Every night for a week
he'd get outside when he was done and see every light on the third floor
was back on. He'd have to go a back in and go up and shut them back off.
After about a week of this, my grandfather decided to get a couple of janitors
together, search every room in the building and then shut off all the lights
double check EVERY possible hiding place.  They shut off all the lights and
left the building, turned and looked.  Every light on the third floor was on
I don't remember what finally happened.  My grandfather said that when they
switched janitors for that building, it still happened every once in a while.
I never heard any other rumors about that building being haunted, or anything
happening in it, like someone dying.  I'm going to ask my grandfather to tell
me about it again, since it was about a year ago that he told me and I might
have mixed it up.
Weird things also happen in the building where I work on the same campus, but
I don't have time for that right now.
Any ideas on what might have turned the lights back on?
Allison Lavertu

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