char *(null)=" marquette.haunting


Here at Marquette University, we have at least one dorm that is supposedly
haunted.  The dorm used to be a childrens hospital, so the chance for 
something there is at least somewhat plausible.
Anyway, one of my better friends who used to live there brought up the topic
one day when she found out some of my friends were living there next year.
The floor they used to live on was the Intensive Care ward, and due to the
architecture of the building, their room was quite separated from the other
rooms.  As part of the dorm is also used for god-knows-what (noone is really
sure, since it is all blocked off), there are light-motion sensors in the
abandoned corridors (you can tell because of the little window in the door).
In their room, she said she often felt a cold breeze or heard footsteps when
noone else was around.  They also noticed that things would occassionaly
move on their own.  Their freakest experience was when all four roommates
went out together and met up with some friends.  The friends mentioned that
they had tried calling, but the phone was busy (they have callwaiting). They
just figured someone else had been calling at the same big deal.
Anyway, the roommates all returned to the room together to find the phone
laying on the ground, separated from the receiver.  Yet there were messages
on the answering machine, so they didn't accidentally leave it off the
hook when they left.
Another time, they had a beercan pyramid on a table.  When they returned from
a party, they found it knocked over and a few cans crushed in the cupboards
above the fridge.
Sometimes one of them would hear running in the halls and a glance down the
closed off sections only to briefly glimse a fleeing shadow, yet the motion
sensors didn't turn on the lights.
There have also been several reports of seeing a little girl running down the
hall, or appearing at the foot of a bed in the middle of the night.  One of
the desk receptionists also reported hearing sneezing behind him late at 
night, yet never found anyone.
It's hard to say whether or not these stories are factual, since alcohol can
do wonders with the imagination, but I think the wide variety of sources 
might lend some truth to it.  I can also see how the dorm would give the
impression of being haunted. Most of the halls are dary blue/dark gray with
widely spaced lighting.  It is very dark and very quiet, since each room is
an apartment and the denizens are mostly calm seniors.

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