char *(null)=" playhouse.ghost


This is a tale that happened to my friend Joe. There is a playhouse in our
area that was once an old barn, but was made into a playhouse by a group of
amatuer actors. I have heard many stories about it being haunted and once 
I was there, I had the chilling feeling that I was being watched and thought I
saw a man in one of its windows watching me, but that is not the story I am
going to relate. One night my friend Joe and one of his friends went up there
late at night. They wanted to see some of the stuff that was inside, so they
broke into the playhouse through a door in the back (I won't go into the
illegality of this action or the extent of my friend's morals, but I digress).
While they were rumaging around through the stuff in the basement (they would
not steal from the place, but breaking and entering was OK. Go figure.) when
they heard the sound of something being drug across the floor upstairs. They
were curious about the sound, so they went upstairs to investigate. When they
got upstairs, they saw a trunk had been moved across the floor. They could tell
because of a tril it made in the dust around it. They moved it back to make it
look like it wasn't moved so no one would suspect their break-in. They went
back downstairs to look around some more and once again heard the sound of
something being drug across the floor upstairs. They went back upstairs and
found the trunk had once again been moved. There were no footprints around it
except the ones they made earlier. They moved it back once again and headed
downstairs. As soon as they got downstairs, they heard the trunk moving again.
This was the last straw and they decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat.
If anyone knows anything about the playhouse (It is called Cresson Lake
Playhouse.), or has any similar experiences, post them.

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