char *(null)=" screaming.woman


Well, been lurking for quite a while now, figured it was time I actually
posted something...
This first is a true story, not sure if it qualifies as a ghost story, but 
it scared the heck out of me when it happened, and it's the story I tell
around campfires:)
This happened about 9 years ago, on a very hot August night, around 10 oclock.
(still remember the details vividly!) Because it was so hot, we had all
the windows open, and could hear everything going on outside.  There were
alot of kids outside yelling (the area was headed by a state road, with track
homes, and then behind them were miles and miles of country), and so at
first we didn't pay any attention to the light screams we heard.  Then,
around 10, I heard the most bloodcurdling scream!  It went on and on and on,
I'll never forget the sound of that voice, it was a woman, and it was
a drastic change from the sound of kids yelling in fun.  I was familiar
with the woods and fields around the house, and so I ran downstairs, and told
my parents that i thought it was coming from the woods behind our house.  They 
called the police, and soon the area was crawling with cops and dogs.  They 
found anything, but that night I had a very scary dream (I'm still not sure it
was just a dream) of a woman being hurt in this hidden field behind the house.
The field was on a little hill, surrounded by trees, and had been forgotten...
it looked like the whole thing was solid woods, but I had "rediscovered" it
a few weeks before this all happened.  Anyways, I had this awful vision of
a woman being killed and then buried loosely in this field.  For some reason
after that night, I could never make myself go back there...It wasn't just
freaking myself out...we used to go trail riding with the horses back there,
and they spooked on the path that ran next to the hidden field...they never
used to have any problem going by it before!!!  To make things worse, I talked
with a friend who lived down the road a couple days later, and she had
seen a woman running down the road around 9:15 the night that all this occured,
followed (chased?) by a van.  She said the woman didn't look like she was 
jogging, but didn't call the police because she was in the house by herself 
and didn't want to deal with the cops.  Very scary!    
This second story is one that I heard told about Wymoco 4H camp near Attica,
NY.  Supposedly, a violent prisoner escaped from Attica prison, and took
up residence in this really wierd sunken house that was on camp property.
The house is the same as any other house, but for some reason it sunk all
the way up to the 2nd floor windows.  Only the top part is visible, and it's
tilted kinda strangely.  This prisoner is supposed to come get
campers who don't stay near the fire when they have the campout by a creek.
He wears a pumpkin over his real head, and will cut off someone's head and
replace it with a pumpkin if he finds them.  We had to ride by the house
almost everyday we went out on the trails (it was a riding camp where you
brought your own horse).  Everyone was so wound up by the story that 
the horses would spook whenever we got nearby...
of course it didn't help that whenever a group of campers went out for
a night adventure walk, someone would follow them and throw a pumpkin 
in front of them....ooooh..spooky...:) 
well, that's all i've got for now..hope you like them:)

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