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From!wycoffd Sun Jun 19 02:09:17 1994
Xref: alt.folklore.ghost-stories:5538
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
From: (Donald Wycoff II)
Subject: Wierd at midnight...
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 04:10:56 GMT
Lines: 49

Ok, folks:  Here's one from my own experiences.  I'm curious to hear 
anything you have to say.

I moved into a house where an old friend of mine had been living alone a 
couple of years.  It was a strange deal to begin with, since it was 
really his father's house -- his father who had recently remarried and 
now lived out of state.

Wierd 1:
We always gathered on Saturday nites and watched Star Trek in the front 
room.  On this particular night we decided that, following STTNG, we 
would go to Tower Books.  STTNG came on as usual.  Somwhere near the end 
of it, the garage door (on the south wall of the room we were in) 
suddenly opened up, paused for a moment, then closed.  We kinda laughed 
about it, more out of denial, I think, now.  No big deal, really.  After 
STTNG, we went to tower.  When we got back, we found that the remote 
controls for the tv were missing.  We took the couch apart, moved all the 
chairs and the table, but couldn't find them.  After a couple of hours of 
the boob tube (getting up to change the stations -- grunt!) we finally 
went to 7-11 to get big-gulps.  When we returned, to our surprise, the 
remote controls were sitting on the top of the couch we had taken apart 
only a short time before!

Wierd 2:
It was about a month later when my now-roomate friend was bringing some 
of his belongings in from one of those PUBLIC STORAGE thingies, and I was 
going to bed.  As I walked up the stairs, he came in through the front 
door and asked if I wanted anything from 7-11... No, I told him:  I had 
to go to bed -- had to work in the morning.  He said that this last bunch 
of stuff was it, and that he was going to 7-11 to get some nachos, etc...
I went up to bed.  Started reading some of Knuth's ALGORYTHMS books 
(great stuff for helping me fall asleep).  I heard the front door open, 
close and lock.  Then I heard my roommate's car start down the drive... 
Big deal.  About ten minutes later, I heard the front door open and close 
a la my roommates slamming.  I figured he forgot something and ran it 
back in.  Then I heard the stereo in the parlor come on (classical 
music), and what sounded like lots of stuff being moved around.  This 
went on for 1/2 an hour till I started to hear him talk to someone -- 
very loudly.  When the front door opend and slammed shut once again, I 
figured it was time to ask him to be quiet.  I started down the stairs, 
turning on the light as I went.  At the bottom of the stairs, I came 
face-to-face with my roomate.  He had JUST gotten back.  He immediately 
asked me, 'who were you shouting at'?  Hair on the back of my neck stood 
on end.  I told him I hadn't been out of my room since the last time he 
went out the front door just a vew minutes ago.  He informed me, to my 
surprise, that he'd been gone for 45 minutes!

The really scarry one's start in the next entry!

From!wycoffd Sun Jun 19 02:13:22 1994
Xref: alt.folklore.ghost-stories:5539
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
From: (Donald Wycoff II)
Subject: Wierd at midnight (2)
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 04:32:12 GMT
Lines: 58

One morning I was drinking coffee and watching the frugal gormet on the 
tube.  It was a saturday.  My roommate arrived home following McClauglin 
Group...  He asked me if I had heard anything the night before.  No, said 
I:  slept quite well.

Last night, he said, while he was doing some homework (he was attending 
Sac State, a nearby college), his cats had got a little wierd and both 
run at him and snuggled their heads into the couch near his back.  Out of 
the corner of one eye, through the archway leading into the family room, 
he saw a faint glimmer of light.  Turning his head to get a better look, 
he saw a shimmering, human-shaped thing step down from the stairs and 
begin walking toward him.  He said it looked like a man in a long London 
Fog, but without any colour or the like.  He continued to say that the 
moment it appeared that the 'thing' say him, it seemed to suddenly float 
backward toward the stairs and disappear around the corner.  I don't know 
why he didn't wake me up...

Wierd 3: (The last night for ME in that bloody place!)
I'd spent several hours after work on my PC working on a software project 
for the college where I worked (American Rivver College, mind you).  As 
usual, I went to bed reading Knuth.  Around 2:30 in the morning, I woke 
up much in need of a visit to the littlest room in the house.  As I went 
about my business, standing there, I was frozen in (sorry) mid-relief:
I heard a quiet moaning coming up from directly beneath me, like it was 
someone moaning in the tv room on the ground floor.  It only sounded 
once, so I thought it might just be a cat or something.  I started and 
almost finished what I was doing (sorry again) when the moan came again, 
only a bit louder and a bit further along to the east of the house than 
before.  Hair on neck standing on end, I dashed back into my room and 
closed the door.  Once again came the moan, only now it sounded like it 
was at the base of the stairs.  I sat down in the corner next to my bed 
and listened.  I heard footsteps on the stairs like heavy workman's 
boots, followed by an even louder, even nearer moan.  I was scared 
shitless, folks:  I can't remember ever being this scared before in my 
life!  Fourteen steps and three down the hall, two moans later.  Now it 
was at my door.  I was tightly wedged with my back to the wall, my hands 
and legs beginning to shake.  I heard something brushing up against the 
door.  And then the moan, this time so loud, so near.  I felt cold.  What 
do I do?  What do I do?  It moaned again, and I saw the handle on the 
door move clockwise, then counter, but the door remained closed.  The 
moan zenithed into the most hideous screech, topped by a loud thudding at 
the door.  Quiet:  Then another terrible screech!  I screamed - for the 
FIRST time in my life - for Jesus to help me.  I screamed it again and 
again, all the while being accompanied by the painful moaning and 
screeching.  All at once, the moaning stopped, as did the sounds at the 
door.  I sat there frozen in absolute terror, eyes fixed on the door for 
nearly an hour.  It was some time later, around 5:00, that my roomates 
car drove up.  I heard the car shut off;  door open, close; and heard him 
baby talk to his cats.  I realized I was still sitting in the same place.
I stood up, walked down stairs and called a friend who had a truck.  My 
roomate say that I was just a tad distressed and asked me what was 
wrong.  I appologised and said that I would be moving out immediately.
That's what I did.  I never went back into the house, nor do I have any 
intention of ever doing so in future.

Personally, I don't know what it was.  I know it wasn't my roommate -- he 
worked graves some nights at 7-11, as he had on that particular night.  I 
have never again had an experience like that again.  I hope I never do!

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