char *(null)=" theatre.ghost


Being a theatre major at a small liberal arts college in Iowa, I spen a lot of
time alone late at night in our theatre building.  Certainly every theatre in
the world has its share of ghosts and stories so related, but I always
believed them to be exaggerations of the general feeling of creepiness that
occurs late at night in a building filed with illusions.  That was, of
course, until I met up with our own Mr. Johnson myself.
Mr. Johnson used to be the janitor of the old theatre building, which was
torn down to make way for a newer and nicer building about 20 years ago, and
Mr. Johnson had a heart attack and fell off the catwalks in the old building.
 When it was torn down, his ghost was said to haunt the new building because
he was angry.  
Yeah, right, is what I always said to this.  In fact, I've been known to play
three or four practical jokes on the more gullible of  our students each
year, but one backfired.  I was in the theatre at about 2:00 am, just after
having scared the entire cast and crew with another of my "hanging dumy"
pranks, when I heard a noise in the building.  I didn't think  much of it,
and continued working.  Then I had to go to the bathroom, and I figured on my
way I'd check out the building to make sure no one was in there trying to
pull a joke on me.  I went through all the rooms and theatres, came back to
the office, and all of the paperwork I had been workign on was mising.  I
looked around every place I'd been, think I'd taken it with me for some
reason, but couldn't find it anywhere.  I eventually made it back to my
office, and the paperwork was scattered all over the floor, most of it ripped
to pieces.  As I was cleaning up, I noteced a little note that I had used in
one of my many pranks, and at the bottom of the note, where I had written Mr.
Johnson's signature, was written "this is nothing to joke about".  
I still don't know for sure if there was anyone else in the building that
night, but no one's ever owned up to it, but I haven't pulled any Mr. Johnson
pranks since.
Keep the faith, baby!  -Meghan

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