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                                THE DORM GHOST

From: Lisa Lister 
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 11:45:39
Story-type: Haunting (Malignant?)
Location: College Station, TX, USA
Source: Email Submission

   Let me start by saying that, though the activities in this home have
   been going on for over fifty years, I wouldn't exactly call this a
   haunting. Rather, I feel the home is the unfortunate focus for
   spiritual activity. The home in question is a simple wood frame home.
   It was initially a six room structure before two additional rooms were
   added twenty years ago. Upon doing a little background check, I found
   that this home was originally located in the city cemetary and that it
   had sat vacant for many years before my grand- father purchased it. It
   was then moved to stand beside the Baptist Church. My mother grew up
   in this home. She experienced many strange occurances which she
   wouldn't share with us, but one in particular she did share which
   happened when she was around eight years old. She was sleeping one
   night in, what is now the middle bedroom, when something awoke her.
   She didn't know what. She saw on the bedroom wall the shadow of a
   figure moving steadily across the wall. There was enough moonlight to
   fully illuminate the room as both windows had the blinds up. There
   wasn't anyone outside the home casting the shadow nor was anyone in
   the room with her. She leaned up closer to get a better look, when the
   shadow reached out and struck her! The blow was hard enough to turn
   her head with force. She immediately shot under the covers and
   remained their till morn.
   As an adult,with children of her own she remained in this home. My
   sisters have told me about a number of accounts, though I will only
   mention one. Both have stated that about twice a week, something would
   come to the backdoor and bang repeatedly with such force as to shake
   the entire home. Our mother would always break out the shotgun until
   the beating stopped though there was nothing physical at the door. The
   backdoor was located in the kitchen and there was a large window
   giving a clear view of the entire backyard. There was never anything
   or anyone to been seen when this beating was going on.
   I can recall when I was about six or seven, watching one of those old
   fashion, solid steel, irons roll accross the kitchen floor. If you
   guys are familiar with the type of iron I'm speaking of (you know--
   the kind which had to be heated on an open flame) you know that those
   things weighed about ten pounds and could not, regardless of whether
   there was a breeze or not (and there wasn't) roll on its own.
   I am prone to hearing things, though I have seen things on two
   occasions. My younger sister, we'll call her Baby, would always see
   things. The account which I want to mention took place when I was
   nineteen and she was fifteen. Our mother had passed away and our
   father had remarried, so it was just she and I living in this home. On
   this occasion our neice, Tiff, was staying over for a few days. I
   worked an 8:00 to 5:00 job and if I ever was going to be late, I would
   call Babe and tell her when to expect me. She was nervous about being
   in the home alone. This particular time, since our neice was there
   with her, I did not bother calling. When I eventually got home at
   around 7:00 p.m. my brother, Babe and Tiff were standing on the front
   porch. Babe was noticably upset. When I asked why, she asked me if I
   had been home earlier to change clothes and then left? I responded in
   the negative at which point she burst into tears. My neice explained
   that around 5:30 they heard my car, they then heard the front door
   open. They opened the bathroom door, which has a clear view of the
   front door, to be certain it was me. They said that I walked in
   dressed in a red dress, red pumps, gave them an irritated glare and
   marched on towards the back. Well, as I previously stated, I did not
   get home until close to 7:00 and though I owned the outfit in
   question, I was dressed in tan slacks and a matching tan blazer that
   day. When they went to find me later I was not there. They stated that
   they searched the entire house before looking out and seeing that my
   vehicle was gone. Babe was spooked and so was I. We spent the next two
   weeks at our sister's home.
   I still live in this home. Over the past three years it has been
   basically quiet. As of late, however, I am noticing unexplained,moving
   shadows and unaccounted movement in my peripheral vision. My fifteen
   month old daughter appears to see something which she points to and
   tracks with her eyes and head. Upon occasion she has appeared to
   follow it looking puzzled. I am the only one willing to live there and
   put up with the extra quirks particular to our home. I have lived many
   a night in fear and don't want my child growing up that way. So I
   think I will be moving. Hope I didn't bore anyone:) Comments welcomed.

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