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Date: Sat, 11 Feb 1995 10:01:25 -0500
Subject: Another NH Ghost Story

This week's story is about the ghosts as, perhaps, members of the family so
to speak. I would like to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience.
This one should perhaps be called

           " You Never Know Who Your True Friends Are."

In the summer of 1980 our third daughter Erica gave birth to twins in Hawaii
on the Big Island. In fact these twins were born in Kealakekua and you can't
get very much more Hawaiian a birthplace than that. Erica's husband and the
twin's father was a fellow named Jay who, although they married in Hawaii,
was originally from northern Maine. 

At Christmas Erica, Jay and the twins came to New Hampshire to visit, and
since few of us had met Jay, to introduce he and the twins to family and 
friends in New England. To facilitate that introduction we had a large party 
in our old farm house. 

At the height of the party about seventy-five people were in the house and
about ten of those people were sitting around a large table in the kitchen.
Jay was sitting reversed in a chair, with his arms leaning on the top of the
chair and his legs straddling the bottom of the chair back. At a point,
needing another drink, he got up to go to the improvised bar on the kitchen
counter. As he was pouring his drink the other nine people at the table
watched with amazement as the chair turned  itself around and moved  back
under the table. 

This was the first of a number of inhospitable tricks that the ghosts played
on Jay. He was locked in an upstairs back bedroom a number of times. When he
shouted for help in unlocking the door, the person that responded always
found the door unlocked and  easily opened. He cloths were constantly moved
and misplaced, his personal effects in the bathroom were missing only to
reappear the next day and many other small but annoying incidents. As we
began to know Jay better over the years we began to realize  that perhaps the
ghosts were better judges of character than we were. Jay turned out to be a
poor and abusive husband and father, a drug addict, and a criminal. He and my
daughter divorced after about five years and he has made her life difficult
ever since. It seems to us that the ghosts in the house were trying to warn
us about this about Jay, as friends,  but we didn't catch their meaning. 


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