This file lists the SYNTAX of new functions not documented in the DCGAMES 4.00 Script Reference Guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- = LOS( , [, ] ); where: is TRUE (non zero) if a path straight line path between and contains only landscape tiles of the transparency given in the (optional) . is an X/Y location, which can be NPC, PLAYER, OBJECT or two numeric expressions. See examples. is an X/Y location, which can be NPC, PLAYER, OBJECT or two numeric expressions. See examples. is a comma separated list of one or more transparency values to be checked. The default is 0. Names for these values can be found in [LAND TRANSPARENCY] in the DCCTOKEN.DAT file, where CLEAR = 0 and SOLID = 1. You can change this and create different "levels" of transparency (say 0 to 3) and allow the player to "see" 0 to 2 during the day and 0 to 1 during the night, for example. Examples: The NPC animation routines use LOS to determine if the NPC can see the player. If they can, they "walk" towards the player (only the hostile NPCs do this). if LOS( npc, player ) then endif; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- = LOR( , [, ] ); where: is TRUE (non zero) if a path straight line path between and contains only landscape tiles of the DENSITY given in the (optional) . is an X/Y location, which can be NPC, PLAYER, OBJECT or two numeric expressions. See examples. is an X/Y location, which can be NPC, PLAYER, OBJECT or two numeric expressions. See examples. is a comma separated list of one or more density values to be checked. The default is 0. Names for these values can be found in [WORLD DENSITY] in the DCCTOKEN.DAT file, where FLAT = 0, ROUGH = 1, etc. Note that the default of 0 is not very useful. Players and NPCs can walk on different terrains depending on the type of vehicle or type of npc. For example, a Sea Dragon can walk on DEEP and ROUGH WATER. Examples: I didn't use LOR() in any of the examples so far. You might want to make it so that an NPC doesn't start moving towards a player unless they can SEE the player AND they can REACH the player: if LOS( npc, player ) and LOR( npc, player, LAND, ROUGH ) then endif; Note that the above example applies only to land based NPCs. For Water based NPCs, it would be: if LOS( npc, player ) and LOR( npc, player, DEEP_WATER, ROUGH_WATER ) then endif; Here is an example using LOR to see if a player can REACH a certain DOOR from where they are standing: if visible( world.doorx(1), world.doory(1) ) and LOR( player, world.doorx(1), world.doory(1), FLAT, ROUGH ) then .. endif; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- = SWRITE[LN]( ... ); Identical to a WRITE and WRITELN, except the value is written to the string variable instead of the text window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PWRITE[LN]( ... ); Identical to a WRITE and WRITELN, except the text is written to the text window formed within a PCX image file displayed using VIEWPCX() within the margins specified using SET_FRAME(). Example: set_frame( "scroll.pcx", 30, 40, 30, 40, 0 ); viewpcx ( "scroll.pcx" ); pwrite( "Name: ", ); write( "You see a ", object.class, " scroll." ); Note that PWRITE[LN] starts writting at the top of the image and scrolls down. If you want to clear the image and start writting at the top again, you need to re-issue the set_frame() AND the viewpcx() calls. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SET_FRAME( pcx, lft, top, rgt, bot, color ); Where: pcx is a file containing a PCX image file. lft is the margin from the left. top is the margin from the top. rgt is the margin on the right. bot is the margin on the bottom. color is the color to use for the text (default 0 = black). ----------------------------------------------------------------------