Nearly every routine is either directly, or indirectly demonstrated in this WAD, except for: C_EncodeBit C_DecodeBit C_SleptYet Also, C_Grunt is demonstrated, but it will not always play the proper sound in THIS WAD, because it depends on a certain compressed variable which is usually initialized when the player goes through RPGCREAT.WAD. If you go through the same process of creating a charector, and then type in the following: EZRPG RPGCREAT RPGDEMO You should be able to here the grunt tailored to your class. Please excuse this WAD's sloppiness. It was a quick little thing I threw together in order to demonstrate the use of my routines. Now that the spec has been released, I no longer have a deadline and can worry about fixing up & optimizing the spec and working on quality RPG WADs. However, understand that even though I kindof rushed this thing in the last minute, this is the end result of several MONTHs of work,(most of it bad starts) and it is very much usable. I might have made some mistakes here and there, but on the whole the spec is quite usable and is stable enough for some serious RPG WAD authoring. About obsticles you might not get: The first one is the new kind of secret door I mentioned in the Hexen RPG spec. It is at the end of the first hallway. It may take a couple of tries to find it and to get it open. The second is the brownish wall that keeps saying "strength check failure". This demonstrates using a "stat check". Your strength is rolled and stored, and when you push against the "rock" blocking your way (as I said, I was in a hurry :), it rolls a 1d20, and if you rolled UNDER your strength you succeed in pushing the rock out of your way. Otherwise, you fail. About the switches: The first switch you encounter is not a switch. I like to use its texture as a place where the player can sell his jewl. This is my personal preference, and I'd bet that absolutely no one else is going to do this. The second set of switches demonstrate the C_SpeechFromLineNum script, as the first one prints the first line, the second one the second line, etc. The sixth switch, seperated from the other five, will run C_Dialogue which runs through all five lines, pausing two seconds between each. About the Fighter Boss: This is an example of how to make an interactive NPC, although it doesn't do that much. If you punch it, shoot it, etc. it will probably react and fight you. However, for some strange reason, it doesn't always "register" that you shot at it, and several tries may be needed (if the player is that STUPID!) Also, if you walk up to it and press spacebar, you will be engaging it in a conversation, and your choices will rise up from the ground. Choose one, and it will tell you which choice number you made. Please excuse this WAD's sloppiness. It was a quick little thing I threw together in order to demonstrate the use of my routines. Now that the spec has been released, I no longer have a deadline and can worry about fixing up & optimizing the spec and working on quality RPG WADs. However, understand that even though I kindof rushed this thing in the last minute, this is the end result of several MONTHs of work,(most of it bad starts) and it is very much usable. I might have made some mistakes here and there, but on the whole the spec is quite usable and is stable enough for some serious RPG WAD authoring.