º - AVENGER v0.92 - º º SHAREWARE º º Made in Finland º Copyright(C) 1996, Deadline/Rooster Check out our web page: http://www.megabaud.fi/~sjv 1:SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2:ABOUT THE GAME 3:HOW TO ORDER THE REGISTERED VERSION OF AVENGER 4:COMING UP / WHAT WILL BE IN REGISTERED VERSION <-- CHECK OUT!!! 5:ABOUT DEADLINE 6:DISTRIBUTING (ESPECIALLY FOR SYSOP'S) 7:SPECIAL THANKS 8:HISTORY 9:FILES 1:SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The game should work on 386(not tested) and about 500k base memory. I recommend 486(dx), which I(Rooster) have myself.Game runs quite OK with it.With sounds, game requires about 330k extended memory. Sorry about the speed, but isn't this the Pentium generation? (Not from my side yet).If the game is much too slow, disable sounds from setup. Sounds don't work on some SB16 cards and i don't know why, but here is some advices: -disable EMM386 from your config.sys -set highdma from (Avengers)soundsetup to zero -set low dma to zero and high dma to your setting(5 usually) FILE NOT FOUND? Maybe you will notice this bug. The game complains that some file is not found, even if all files are in place. So don't get worried right away. 2:ABOUT THE GAME You must run setup.exe before you can play Avenger. Your mission is to destroy everything that moves(YES!). Keys are very simple: arrows(left and right)move ship left and right. Right alt(Alt Gr?) fires and right ctrl fires 2nd weapon. Press F1 to adjust the game's speed (this is only required on faster machines).Esc returns to main menu and works as pause at the sametime. Sometimes you'll get shield upgrades, and weapon speed upper. Those are in S item, which comes from exploding enemy. You can get a double gun from big enemy and after you have got that, you will get speed upper from the same. G item gives you the secondary weapon or a new weapon. 3:HOW TO ORDER THE REGISTERED VERSION OF AVENGER So, you have maybe liked this game, and you wish to register it. So how do you register it? Simple, fill in the order form and then print it out.The order form is in 'order.frm' file. To print it out type at the dos prompt:COPY ORDER.FRM PRN(enter). Registeration costs 20FIM(Suomen Markkaa) from Finland only. And from any else country 10$(US Dollars) which will cover all postage costs. If you live in Finland, there is also finnish version of order form, which is ORDER.FIN. If you don't own a printer, you can also write the needed information(check order form) to paper, but write them CLEARLY. You can also pay to our account: send the receipt instead of the money. Send the registeration form and money(no coins if possible) to following address: Deadline Poste restante 04440 J„rvenp„„ Suomi / Finland All contributions are accepted with pleasure:) The newest version will arrive to you as quickly as i can send it to you. Delivery may take some time depending on if the latest version ready or not. GAME WILL BE DELIVERED IN 1.44 FORMAT ONLY. 4:COMING UP / WHAT WILL BE IN REGISTERED VERSION By registering you will get the latest version of the game and the second episode with much new levels, graphics, enemys and weapons. You will also have all the cheat codes when you register. The next version that will be published as shareware is 1.0, so don't wait it to come soon, 'cause it takes at least four months before we put it to distribution! Coming to next version: -TWO-PLAYER GAME! -more graphics and sounds -plus many unlisted features (this means there WILL be much new features, not just a one bug fix) Coming in future: -animations!!! -much more levels and enemys -more guns(bombs etc.) 5:ABOUT DEADLINE Deadline is: Rooster coding, design, sounds Mustang graphics Junkhead game testing, some ideas This was our first game and we hope you have liked it. Our real names are not published because of personal reasons(fame?). WE DON'T COVER ANY DAMAGE WHAT THIS GAME MIGHT CAUSE TO YOUR COMPUTER OR TO SOMEONE.(ex. computer blows up, eh) 6:DISTRIBUTING As you may already know, this game is shareware and you can FREELY DISTRIBUTE it and PLEASE do it! FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTERS: If you wish to include this game to a cd-rom collection or something else you can do it freely, but we would recommend that you send us a letter and tell where you putted it. (the address is in chapter 3) 7:SPECIAL THANKS This game uses SMIX (C real mode) by Ethan Brodsky. Thank him of the sounds, not us.Without Ethan's SMIX, this game would not have sounds at all(maybe).It's a really good sound engine. Also thanks to everybody in Triplex and MBnet, you helped me(Rooster) a lot in making this game run little bit faster. 8:HISTORY Version 0.55: First released version Version 0.55a: Same as above, but some more info included. Version 0.6: -one enemy more -weapon/shield upgrades -enemys don't come anymore at the sametime -better explosions -sounds in whole game(only registered version) -sound setup Version 0.7 -little animations -more sounds -better and longer levels -enemy flashes when hit -two enemys more and big bastard in the end -game is faster -plus some more changes -works with lower base memory(below 500k) Version 0.8 -second backround -new menu system -own ship rotates -extra weapon -two new levels and one new enemy -much new graphics -plus much more unlisted changes Version 0.9 (not distributed as shareware) -two kinds of explosions -shields displayed graphically -couple new sounds -more these "little animations" -and much more Version 0.92 -SPARKS -second sound in menu and a sound in get ready thing -game's speed is saved to disk -one new enemy and two new levels(in registered version) -15th level little bit changed -one old enemy has animation 9:FILES Avenger contains these files, do not delete any of these: avenger.exe main program setup.exe soundsetup file_id.diz description of zip av.cfg configuration file(setup creates this) *.gfx pictures *.raw sounds(22khz) readme.txt this file order.frm order.fin order forms readme.bat quick way to read this levels.dat level data ---END OF FILE---