Weather Robot 1.33 Copyright 1996 by David DuPre' (A portion of the PM-Weather 1.33 product) Distributed by Lookout Mountain Technologies INTRODUCTION: Weather Robot is part of a shareware program called PM-Weather, it allows you to view weather maps and forecasts reports. Weather Robot Requirements: - PM-Weather 1.33 or later. - Internet Connectivity - Must reside in same directory as PM-Weather 1.33 Automatically downloads from the internet: - of text forecast information - at specified intervals - into specific filenames - for many cities at once - without user intervention The Weather Robot is for automatic download of text forecast information. Select your city of interest, how often you wish to have it updated, and the file in which this information should be stored. Do this for each city you require information about. The Weather Robot will sleep in the background until there is work to do. Then, it will start up to four threads downloading at once, it checks for new work every minute. - Maximum number of concurrent threads are set with the Edit, Configure, menu. - "Screen updates" can be turned off once your selections are made and want to let the program run in the background. Warning: If you don't turn off "screen updates" Weather Robot will use most of your CPU while it downloads files. For more information about this program please review PMWEATHR.TXT that was shipped with PM-Weather. To register your copy see ORDER.TXT shipped with the PM-Weather product. Or Contact the author at: David DuPre Email: 423-825-1941 voice, or FAX 423-825-1267 Updates available at my Web Page: --------- Changes planned ---------- * Image download capability * To be integrated into version 2.0 PM-Weather