REGISTRATION This is a shareware product. You may evaluate it for 30 days. If you like the product after the 30-day evaluation period, and you continue to use it, please register and pay the registration fee. Registered users will receive a 3.5 inch master diskette, a print file of the User Guide and an official Registration Certificate. Registered users will receive support and are entitled to free software upgrades during the first year. REGISTRATION The registration fee is U.S. $29.00 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. To register, please choose 'Registration, Copyright' from the applications' About menu. The instructions are shown on the screen. To register directly with Informatik Inc, press on 'Print Registration Form', complete the printed Registration Form and return it to Informatik Inc. with your payment or credit card information. You can also register via CompuServe and other registration services, or via the Internet. For up-to-date information, and for information about international registration services and distributors, please visit the web page The registration fees and shipping and handling charges are payable in US dollars. If you wish to pay in Canadian Dollars, please convert the fees, plus $2.00 bank charges, to Canadian Dollars at the current exchange rate. We also accept checks in other convertible currencies at the US dollar equivalent, but $5.00 must be added for bank charges. If you cannot obtain convertible currencies, please contact Informatik Inc. via Internet For information about payment by credit card, please call Informatik at 610.640.0339, send an e-mail message to or visit our web page We hope that you will register. Please support the shareware concept!