This is a utility program that calls Dos Interrupt 21h function 36h to determine the disk space on a selected Drive. This program was conceived as I was trying to figure out how to display a Double Word number on the screen. There is a good example of the 'ole' famous "PUSH POP" routine for printing decimal numbers on the screen. This is mainly meant for beginners to try and learn something. There are some simple macros as well as an Interrupt intercept routine. Some people might not agree with the way I set the Interrupt back to its original value but it works. When you check a Floppy drive the motor doesn't shut off until you press a key. I also turn the cursor off during operation and then turn it back on when done. All of this might seem simple to an experienced programmer but it sure wasn't simple while I was trying to figure it out. Questions or Comments can be directed by way of COMPUSERVE to TOM FOX 102143,2522