SUBJECT: Using external files to store translation terms * * * * This technical document contains information of how to use external files and to share languages between forms. Besides the method to store all languages in the Form file you are designing at Design-Time (LanguageFile property empty) you can have external files instead. The TECH01.TXT file describes in more detail which method you should use when you are unsure if you want to use external files. The LanguageFile property can both use the prefered *.LAN files and the common textfiles *.TXT. The difference between them may not be obvious, becuase a textfile cannot be shared between forms while the binary can do it. It is very important to understand that you can ONLY USE *.LAN FILES to share the same file for different forms. You cannot have two forms pointing to the same *.TXT file, you will only end up having problems. The binary format can also contain Icons of the languages you have attached which cannot be Exported to the textfile. The 'Load from' and 'Save to' buttons in the Language editor can both handle binary and textfiles. The extension of the file tells which format it is in. It is recommended to use the Text files to use translations in other programs or to update any translation from an external program like a Word Processor. The text file can also be used to add/remove or edit languages at both design- and run-time. In all other cases you should never use a textfile for the main storage model of your project. More information on how to operate textfiles please look at the Topics for the Import and Export method in the MULTLANG.HLP file. This is a technical paper distributed by the Author of the TMultLang package. If you have any questions please contact him via the address: Patrik Wang E-Mail: Fax: +61 2 3269032 * * * *