********************************************************************** Quick Open For Windows 95 -- By Moshe Martsiano -- JULY 1996 ********************************************************************** Visit My Home Page : http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/1714/ 1. Installation make sure you unziped the qo1bw95.zip file and placed all the files in the same directory , if you unziped the file in the "c:\util\qo" folder , you will be able to use Quick Open's Advanced features right away. plus be sure you don't use long file name as your Quick Open folder , use something short as "QO". make sure you have at least additional 100K in drive C for database file. IMPORTANT : DON'T FORGET TO UNZIP THE FILE USING THE -d FLAG IN ORDER TO UNZIP THE SUBDIRETORYS AS WELL. run the qo.exe file , for the first time only , the about window will open , this is where you register , for evaluation purpuses click the OK button , then again , for the first time only , the options window will open automaticly , use the add button to add the directorys you want to monitor and maintaine , remember that every directory you choose is scaned and all its sub directorys too for example "c:\" , will monitor entire drive C: , and "c:\windows" will monitor the windows directory and all the sub directorys (System ...) . you can customize four user defined button , see the section on "Button Customization" for detail instructions , the values you see as default will only work if the path "c:\util\qo" is the path you installed QO in , and if you have the applications that were specifyed in the command line executable field. the default action for open Button will determine what to do when you press the OPEN button or doubleclick on a folder , you can choose a folder window , or explorer windows , or activate any of your customized buttons. Hit the OK button in the options window. now check out the icon in the notification area (yellow folder icon in the right edge of the taskbar) , click on it with the left mouse button. the quick open dialog will pop up , now for the first time only, press the refresh button, and wait until the program will build the database (you can do other things meanwhile in other applications) , after the refresh is done you are ready to use the application . infact you don't have to use the refresh button , QO will auto-refresh but it will take much more time to finish. at any given time , you can pop up the dialog , and type the first letters of the folder you search , then press enter or hit the find button. if more then one match is found a list will be formed , double click on the item you want or press the open button after selecting a item from the list. you can select multiple items (hold the ctrl key and keep pressing items) and them pressing the open button. you can also pop up the dialog using the keyboard , at any given time hit the [ctrl + /] key or [ctrl + \]. 2. Usage if you install new software , or create , rename a directory in one of the directorys you wanted to maintaine , QO will detect it and begin refreshing of that directory in the background , taking very little CPU time (on a 486 computer you won't notice it) if you choose to remove a directory from the one you selected to maintaine , you may want to press the refresh button , this will rebuild the entire database without the one you removed (faster search , smaller file) other than that , the program takes care of it self , for complete control QO placed it self in your StartUp folder , so it may run on system startup and start monitoring your folders,but understand QO takes very very little CPU time or not at all , so it will not slow down your computer! you can check it using microsoft kernel tools available via the internet. enjoy the program ! and don't forget to register (section 5 ...). 3. Button Customization QO enables you to use its database and search capabilities with other applications , in fact you can use the selected folder/s as a parameter to other application , for example you can launch a graphics viewer such as ACDSee and give it the folder you want to view , so if you search for "Images" and get a list of "Images", "Images of flowers" ... , select one of them and click the Viewer button and ACDSee will open allready in the folder you selected. if you select both of them , two instances of ACDSee will open , each with a folder . you can do the same with compression , infact if you select more then one folder and click the compress button you will see multitasking in action as your PC will compress several folders at the same time. the buttons you see at startup are default , they might not work if your paths are diffrent , or you don't own the same application , but you can customize them. To customize your button , open the options dialog and look at the table in the middle of the dialog , there are four buttons , each has three fields , "Button Text" is the text to appear on the button, "Command Line Executable" is the full path of the application and the executable name , "Parameters" is the parameters to be passed to the application , you can pass anything you want plus when ever you want to pass the selected folder , use the "???" sign insted , for example to compress files using ARJ , type "ARJ" as the button text , "c:\comp\arj" as the command line executable , "-i1 -va -r -jm ??? -t" as the parameters , so if arj is executed when you selected the "C:\windows" folder this command will be executed : "c:\comp\arj -i1 -va -r -jm c:\windows -t". the problem is the older DOS applications don't understand long file names , so some programs may not work when executed directly , insted you can write a batch file , to change to the right folder first , and then to execute the application , examples of this kind of batch files are in the "BATCH" folder in your Quick Open folder. if you use a batch file , use "c:\command" as command line executable and "/K c:\util\batch\ mybatch ???" as a parameters (paths may vary on your computer), if you don't know how to write batch files , just copy the example , and use it as a template , understand that the %1 or %2 ... signs in those batch files are parameters transfers from the command line to the batch file as %1 is the first and %2 is the second. 4. Troubleshooting & Tips ** Quick Open crashed !!!! when you do manual refresh QO points all of its resources to the refreshing opereation , so if you put another window on top of QO dialog box , and then return to QO , it might not repaint it self , you will get a "white" dialog box , but bare in mind QO isn't stuck , wait until the cursor becomes your regular cursor , as long as your cursor is the wait cursor QO is refreshing , note that if you specified many directorys or very large drives , the building operation might take some time , so be patient and do other things with other applications in the meantime and return to QO after a few minutes . note that this happens only with manual refresh , with SmartRefresh you won't even know that anything is happening. if this isn't what happened to you please mail me and tell me exactly what you did before QO crushed. ** I typed a folder name that exist on my drive , but QO returned nothing! if this is the first time you are running QO , the reason you get nothing is that QO is still learning your drives , wait a few minutes and try again. if this is not your first time, and you have used QO successfully before , then something is wrong , maybe some other applciation , or a power failure caused the lost of QO database , in that case , you can try to turn your machine off , and restart , if QO still isn't working use the manual "Refersh" button to rebuild your database. this will fix the problem. ** QO prompts me to enter my folders (Options Dialog) as if it was the first time i am using it , but it not the first time! something is wrong , that means that QO configuration data was deleted , try reentering your folders , and hit the OK button , then try using QO if it still isn't working you have to use the manual "Refresh" button to rebuild your database. ** I installed new software , then try to find it in QO but qo didn't detect that i installed it. you might wan't to wait for a while and check it again , qo takes care of your computer resources , and maybe it decided to wait until you do some lighter work so it won't disturb you , and maybe he is refreshing right now and you just don't know it! , if you have an average disk size with no BILLION folders in it ,this should take several minutes since you launched the installation program , otherwise let it do it's job and check out those folder later. A few TIPS: ** To open ANY drive folder , even if you did not include it in your folder selection , type the drive letter and a ':' then press enter or the appropriate custum button. ** you can add hot keys control to your custum button by naming it the way you want , but adding a '&' just before the letter you want to be used as hot key , eg. "Dos &Window" will make a button you can activate using the mouse or by pressing ALT+W ** you can access system folders faster with QO , for example to get to your StartUp folder (where each item represent an applciation that will be activated when the system start up) , just type "startup" and enter , and you are there. 5. Registration you are free to download the program and use it for evaluation for a preiod of no more than 10 days. then you must delete the program or pay for it . registration costs only $12 (US) , registration entitles you for e-mail notification of next versions , and bug fixs , and most improtant it will keep me writing shareware software for your benifit. to register do the following : A. (you don't have to , but it's recommended ) e-mail me , tell me what you think and write any requests , also write that you mailed me the registration fee. my address is moshmar@inter.net.il B. mail be (by regular mail) an envelope with cash only , my address is : Moshe Martsiano Shabazi Street 14/2 Ramla ZipCode 72418 Israel also please place a note with your name , address and your email address. when i will get your envelope i will send you a registration number to unlock the software protection (expiration in 15 days) , the number will be sent to you via e-mail only , so be sure to include your e-mail address , or you wont get the registration number. plus , you might want to mail it using the type of mail that the mailman must get my signiture to be sure i'm the one who gets it.