WetSock version 2.0: by Locutus Codeware WetSock brings current weather conditions and forecasts to your desktop. The easiest way to have accurate and current weather information. Will not cost you toll or local call charges to your ISP, nor connect charges to Internet. A *MUST* for for everyone that ever gets out of their homes. WetSock uses the integrated services of Windows 95 to connect to Internet and to update your weather information for your locale, making it foolproof to set-up and use. WetSock will sleep in the background until you connect to Internet, and will then gather weather information. If you are already using Exchange or some other software to connect and get your mail periodically, WetSock will update the weather everytime you connect automatically, without costing you a call. Optionally, you can set WetSock to connect to Internet periodically, if you wish. This program *requires* Windows 95 or Windows NT version 4.0 and up. An Internet connection using the Dial-Up-Networking services or a direct connection is also necessary. ============================================================================= *** IMPORTANT NOTE TO UPGRADE FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION: First, exit WetSock. Through control panel Add/Remove Programs applet, first, remove (uninstall) WetSock, then proceed with installation instructions. After upgrading, or running the new version, you have to reenter your setup parameters for the new version to work properly. As we added hundreds of new locations in the USA and Canada, you might want to check if there is a new location that is closer to your city. ============================================================================= TO INSTALL: Unzip the contents to a temporary directory, then using the Explorer, right-click on wetsock.inf (Setup Information File), and choose "Install" from the popup menu. When you run WetSock for the first time, it will bring up the setup dialog. Later, right click on the WetSock icon to open the setup dialog. ============================================================================= TO USE: Left click on the weather icon on your taskbar tray for weather details. Please refer to the online help for further instructions. ============================================================================= For support: http://www.wimsey.com/locutus/ email: atekant@wimsey.com DISCLAIMER: Argun Tekant and Locutus Codeware take no responsibility for any damage to goods or lives through misuse of this program. This program has been tested to be free of bugs to the best of our capabilities. We disclaim any responsibility for the damages your computer or your data may incur through the use of this program. Argun Tekant Locutus Codeware Copyright 1995, 1996