BBS CHECKERS HELP This is a standard checkers game in which you try to either take all your opponents pieces or force him into a situation where he cannot move. If you need help with the rules of play you can view them from the main menu. The main menu will show you which games you are currently playing, in which games it is your turn, and which games are waiting for an opponent. STARTING AND JOINING A GAME-- You may start a new game with the [S] command in the main menu. You will become player #1 in the game and can go ahead and make the first move. You must wait for an opponent to join the game and move before it will be your turn again. Use the [J]oin command to enter into a game that is currently waiting for an opponent. If your opponent has already moved the game will be listed with the other games that are waiting for you to play. If the opponent has not already moved you must wait for him to do so before you can play. The number of concurrent games that you can be involved in will be set by the sysop. If you are already playing the maximum number of games you will not be allowed to start a new one. PLAYING A GAME-- Once you have started or joined a game you can make your move by first hitting the [P] command from the main menu. You will be shown the current game in progress. The player starting the game will always be given the first move, so if you are joining a game you will not be able to move until your opponent has. From there you must first [S]elect the piece you wish to move, then [M]ove it to the destination square. You will be notified in the event the move is illegal. You must make a jump if one is available. You will not be allowed to move any other pieces until there are no remaining jumps. DELETING A GAME-- If a game is currently waiting for a second player to join, the player that started the game may delete it with no penalty by using the [E] command from the game screen. Occasionally a situation will develop where two players end up chasing each other all over the board, with no way for either player to win. In this case the two players will need to agree to let the game expire. Neither player will be credited with a win in this case. Care should be taken not to simply quit playing a game without the consent of your opponent. Doing so will ultimately make it difficult to find opponents who are willing to play you. WITHDRAWING FROM A GAME-- A player who wishes to withdraw from a game in progress may do so by using the [E] command from the game screen. Withdrawing from a game will automatically credit the opponent with a win by default, and this win will be reflected in both the scores bulletin and in the news bulletin. The game, along with all messages, will be deleted, and the slot will become available for a new game. This is a handy feature if you are in a hopeless situation and would like to free up the slot to join or start more games. MESSAGING-- While in a game a player may leave a message of unlimited size to the opponent. A player will be notified in each game if there is a message waiting. AUTOMATIC GAME DELETION-- If a game has not been played for a predetermined number of days it will be deleted to free slots for additional games to begin. The door will only allow 200 simultaneous games. NEWS AND GAME STANDINGS-- When a game is won it will appear in the News Bulletin. Likewise, a winner is added to the Scores Bulletin.