LAST7.MEX This, as it is now, will show the last seven users then check for mail. It can also will show mail only or as many users you want, with out mail, up to the number you keep in your Callers.bbs. Change it for you name and bbs name. Just look at the comments. Change this in Max.ctl, Uses NoMail Misc\NoMail01 If you use MAXMNT20.ARJ, I put it as the last entry in #MSTK01.BBS. Else call last7 from any mecca bbs or the menu.ctl [mex]M\Last7 for user bbs and mail check. [mex]M\Last7 ml for mail check. [mex]M\Last7 lu for user bbs only, set it any size you want. You are welcome to use, look, change, as long as you don't charge for it. and send me any changes. If any of you know how to trim the Callers.bbs, by date or size, PLEASE let me know Like every one else, I want to know if even one person uses it. So please send me a notice if you do. Gerry Ellison 1:108/107 9-10-96