`b c`-=-= Sample Quest to Test NEW Commands =-=- `b bl` by MoonDust /squiggles The below example can ALSO be used with SUB commands for /getsub:ABCDE to ... Z and /choicesub1 to /choicesub26: What is your choice: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. /get:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ /choice1 Chose A. /choice2 Chose B. /choice3 Chose C. /choice4 Chose D. /choice5 Chose E. /choice6 Chose F. /choice7 Chose G. /choice8 Chose H. /choice9 Chose I. /choice10 Chose J. /choice11 Chose K. /choice12 Chose L. /choice13 Chose M. /choice14 Chose N. /choice15 Chose O. /choice16 Chose P. /choice17 Chose Q. /choice18 Chose R. /choice19 Chose S. /choice20 Chose T. /choice21 Chose U. /choice22 Chose V. /choice23 Chose W. /choice24 Chose X. /choice25 Chose Y. /choice26 Chose Z. /endchoice /anyquit You can now put the random number you want to generate. ie: random26 will generate up to 26 and allow you to have 26 choices: Who knows? It might allow you to have thousands of numbers, but I'm not gonna be the one to test it. If you do, let me know. I *think* it will work up into the thousands if you are that weird. ;) /random5 /choice1 This indicates the random generator chose 1. /choice2 This indicates the generator chose 2. /choice3 This indicates the generator chose 3. /choice4 This indicates the generator chose 4. /choice5 This indicates the generator chose 5. /endchoice In the above, you told the computer to generate a random number between 1 and 5. `b y` These are action words you can use to divide portions of your quest to show something is taking place.. like a /pause but better! `br` /walking /running /looking /anyquit `b w` /traveling /swimming /searching `b c` /begging /whining /pondering `b y` /climbing /crawling /thinking New commands as of 9/28/96: /gdr (grinning, ducking, running) /peeking /laughing /crying /shouting `b g`You can now offer the players the opportunity to go to the healers: If you are having more than one battle in a quest, you will want to offer this option, as well as /anyquit in between battles in case they don't have enough dinar to heal and want to quit the quest before they get killed. /anykey `b w`I would set it up with an: `b c`A. Heal B. Continue /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice You can now have multiple battles per quest, but only 5 per quest or the quest will be aborted. /anykey /battle A horrible ogre attacks you! /choice1 You won! /choice2 You chicken, you're outta here! /endquest /endchoice `b c`A. Heal B. Continue /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anyquit /battle An ugly rodent attacks you! /choice1 You won! /choice2 You chicken, you're outta here! /endquest /endchoice `b c`A. Heal B. Continue /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anyquit /battle A man-eating shark attacks you! /choice1 You won! /choice2 You chicken, you're outta here! /endquest /endchoice `b c`A. Heal B. Continue /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anyquit