Sky Cop (c)1996 Mace Software, Inc. Version 1.4 November 18, 1996 HISTORY 11-14-96 Version 2.0 - Added setting in ATCIBBS SETUP to try and address those mailers that are not honoring the KFS flag. See ATCIBBS.DOC **** Y O U M U S T R E R U N ATCIBBS SETUP!!! **** - Added new command line parameter for ATCIBBS. It is BOTH. ATCIBBS BOTH will run inbound then outbound. - Changed file naming system to try and prevent transmission errors caused by duplicate filenames. - Fixed IBBS Bug that caused HOF scores to be processed on the wrong day. - Fixed score calculation problem with IBBS bulletins. 08-03-96 Version 1.3 - Additional work to correct problem when running other Mace Software doors interbbs. 08-02-96 Version 1.2 - Corrected bug in IBBS module that conflicted with BBS's running other Mace Software doors. - Improved the timing of game. You may want to adjust your setting in the SKYCOP.CFG to around 6 05-18-96 Version 1.1 - Made changes to game to allow InterBBS Play. The ATCIBBS program included with this version is in testing. Use at your own risk! It does seem to work here. Future releases will include de-bugged version of ATCIBBS.EXE 04-13-96 Version 1.0 - Initial shareware release.