`b g` ---===<[ Encounter At Lucky Troll Bridge ]>===--- by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS. /squiggles `b bl`You are walking thru a wooded area, with a small stream on your right. Up ahead you see what looks like a structure over the stream, some kind of bridge perhaps? /walking `b bl`As you get closer, you see that it is indeed a bridge... an old stone bridge. It looks like it is seldom used, for it is covered in moss, vines, and other green things you cannot identify. There is a small sign at the base of the bridge. `r` A: Read the sign. `r` B: Cross over the bridge. `r` C: Continue on your way without crossing the bridge. /get:ABC /choice1 `b bl`You read the sign. It seems to be carved into a slab of the same stone used to build the bridge! It reads: `g` "Troll Bridge" `g` "Pay Before Crossing" `b g` /go:To Pay Or Not To Pay /choice2 `b bl`You decide to skip reading the sign. Who cares who built this old relic? They are probably long dead by now anyway. And besides, you are in a hurry! `b g` /go:Crossing Troll Free /choice3 `b bl`You continue on your way on this side of the stream. That old bridge looks too dangerous to cross anyway... who knows when it will collapse? /endquest /endchoice To Pay Or Not To Pay `b bl`A "Troll" bridge?? Who ever heard of such a thing? There was some talk back home about building a bridge and making everyone pay who used it, but they were calling that a Service Charge Bridge. Well, if the sign says you have to pay... `r` A: Pay the Troll `r` B: Don't pay and cross anyway /get:AB /choice1 `b bl`Not wanting to use your own dinars, you look around for something to pay with. Under a large leaf you find a small pile of dinars. Taking one, you toss it into the stream, as there is no collection box, or anything that even looks like one. `b g` /go:Crossing Safely /choice2 `b bl`Not wanting to use your own dinars, you decide to skip paying and start over the bridge. `b g` /go:Crossing Troll Free /endchoice Crossing Troll Free `b bl`You begin to cross the bridge when suddenly you hear a strange sound. It sounds like the rumble of distant thunder, but the skies are clear! It can't be your stomach... you just ate! /anykey /battle An Awesome Troll smacks you mightily with his staff! /choice1 `b bl`You have won this battle and may cross the bridge. However, you recall your mother telling you tales of how Trolls can never be truly killed... how they alway return another day...... `b g` /go:Until Next Time! /choice2 `b bl`You have run away from the Troll of the bridge. How can you ever face your friends again? What would they say if they knew? You vow to never tell anyone of the encounter you had today. You sullenly continue on your way..... /endquest Crossing Safely `b bl`You begin to cross the bridge when suddenly you hear a strange sound. It sounds like the rumble of distant thunder, but the skies are clear! It can't be your stomach... you just ate! /anykey `b bl`As you strain to listen, you hear what sounds like "Thank You" coming from under the bridge. Concerned, you hurry on your way. /wisdom 2 `b bl`You feel good about your little adventure... and vow to do a good deed every day! You feel smarter somehow... and sure enough! /buildphrase `b bl`Your wisdom has been increased by /win `b bl`! /endphrase `b g` /go:Until Next Time! Until Next Time! /endquest