`b gr` The Troll Inn by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS. /squiggles `b bl`You see the what looks like a small building in the distance. Curious, you decide to investigate more closely. It's been a long journey and you could really use a place to rest your feet and get a nice cold drink. /walking /anykey `b bl`As you get closer, you see that it is indeed a building... in fact, it is a small inn! Excellent! Rest and refreshment are just within reach. Then, as you get close enough to note the details, you see that the inn is in a rather poor state of repair. The outside of the building looks less than promising, altho you can hear sounds of laughter and merriment from inside... spiced with the occasional crash of a goblet or wine bottle, but you cannot tell if it was broken on the flor...or on some ones head! The sign over the door, cracked and creaking, proudly proclaims `f b r` "The Troll Inn" `b r` Do you go into the inn or pass it by? `b r` A. Enter the inn.... what else is there to do? `b r` B. Pass it by.... and be assured of living another day! /get:AB /choice1 `b gr` /go:Inside The Inn. /choice2 `b gr` Moving On After thinking it over, you decide it is probably best to pass this particular inn by and see what lies over the next hill. /endquest /endchoice Inside The Inn. `b bl`There is something very strange about this inn... something you can't quite put your finger on. Then it hits you! The occupants of this particular inn are Trolls! The sign over the door wasn't kidding! This inn caters primarily to trolls... those mythical creatures that your mother warned you about, mostly when you were a little kid and she was trying get you to do something you would rather not do. And it usually worked! While the staff appear normal, that could be just a mirage... a clouding of your mind by a troll intent on having a little fun... at your expense! `b r` A. - Have a drink /male `b r` B. - Kiss the waitress. /endsex /female `b r` B. - Kiss the waiter. /endsex `b r` C. - Start a fight. `b r` D. - Leave, before anything happens. /get:ABCD /choice1 `b gr` /go:Have A Drink. /choice2 `b gr` /go:Kiss The Help. /choice3 `b gr` /go:Let The Bar Brawl Begin! /choice4 `b bl`Having made up your mind to spend no more time here, you notice the smell, one of too many people in too small a space for too long, without the benefit of any type of bathing facility! Fighting back the spasms as your lungs search for clean air, you decide to beat a hasty retreat back out the door! /endquest /endchoice Kiss The Help. /male `b bl`You wait for an opportune moment, and then seize the young serving wench /endsex /female `b bl`You wait for an opportune moment, and then seize the young seving lad /endsex `b bl`and plant a kiss full on the lips! There is a strange silence in the room... as if something is about to happen... /random3 /choice1 `b r`SMACK!`b bl` /male `b bl`That young lady packs quite a wallop! The side of your face stings /endsex /female `b bl`That young fella packs quite a wallop! The side of your face stings /endsex `b bl`as if struck by a horde of bees... and there seems to be a bell ringing in your ear!! Suddenly, you notice movement out of the corner of your good eye.... /anykey `b g` /go:Fight! Fight! Fight! /choice2 /male `b bl`The young lady seems less than impressed with your affections and /endsex /female `b bl`The young lad seems less than impressed with your affections and /endsex `b bl`merely walks away. Guffaws can be heard from the crowd in the back, but you determine not to pursue any further troubles here. /choice3 /male `b bl`The young lady returns your kiss... with vigor! Entirely TOO MUCH vigor, /endsex /female `b bl`The young lad returns your kiss... with vigor! Entirely TOO MUCH vigor, /endsex `b bl`leading you to believe your pockets are about to be picked! With a quick motion, you detach yourself from their now encircling grasp and beat a hasty retreat to the wide open spaces outdoors! /endchoice /endquest Have A Drink. `b bl`You order a drink. The cup looks pretty clean, only slightly chipped. You gulp down your drink and nearly choke on the strong taste. A light round of chuckles is heard, as the locals have a pleasant giggle at your expense. /male `g`The waitress is looking a wee bit cuter than before! /endsex /female `g`The waiter is looking a wee bit more handsome than before! /endsex `b r` A. - Have another drink. /male `b r` B. - Kiss the waitresss. /endsex /female `b r` B. - Kiss the waiter. /endsex `b r` C. - Start a fight. `b r` D. - Leave, before anything happens. /get:ABCD /choice1 `g`Well!! Feeling a bit spunky, are we?? And not the least bit concerned that the room seems to be tilted just a tad?? Ho ho!! And why is everyone staring at you?? What is this?? Some kind of freak show?? You decide to make the best of a bad situation and hussle butt to the door! /endquest /choice2 `m`That troll ale seems to have stiffened your resolve! "You sure you want to go thru with this?" echos thru your head, making you wonder just what was in that drink besides the ale! `b gr` /go:Kiss The Help. /choice3 `b gr` /go:Let The Bar Brawl Begin! /choice4 `b g` /go:Leaving Now! /endchoice /endquest Kiss The Help. `b bl`You wait for an opportune moment, then seize the young serving wench/lad and plat a wet, sloppy one full on the lips! There is a strange silence in the room... as if something is about to happen... /random3 /choice1 `b r`SMACK! /male `b bl`That young lady can pack quite a wallop! The side of your face /endsex /female `b bl`That young lad can really pack a wallop! The side of your face /endsex stings as if struck by a horde of bees... and there seems to be a bell ringing in your ear!! Suddenly, you notice movement out of the corner of your good eye.... /anykey `b gr` /go:Fight! Fight! Fight! /choice2 /male `b bl`The young lady seems less than impressed with your affections and /endsex /female `b bl`The young lad seems less than impressed with your affections and /endsex `b bl`merely walks away. Guffaws can be heard from the crowd in the back, but you determine not to pursue any further troubles here. /endquest /choice3 /male `b bl`The young lady returns your kiss with vigor... entirely TOO MUCH /endsex /female `b bl`The young lad returns your kiss with vigor... entirely TOO MUCH /endsex vigor, leading you to believe your pockets are about to be picked! With a quick motion, you detach yourself from his*her now encircling grasp and beat a hasty retreat to the wide open spaces outdoors! /endquest /endchoice Let The Bar Brawl Begin! `b bl`You decide that these good folks are just a wee bit to smug, and so you set out to teach them all a good lesson! Standing in the middle of the room, with your hands on your hips and your head held high, you proclaim them all to be a bunch of ninnies, and pledge your horse (which you don't have!) to any man or woman who can best you in a fair fight! /anykey /random3 /choice1 `b g` /go:Hugo The Huge! /choice2 `b g` /go:Awfull Knoffel! /choice3 `b g` /go:Gorgeous George! /endchoice Hugo The Huge! /battle Hugo the Huge! crushes you with his bare arms /choice1 `b g` /go:You Won!! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice Awfull Knoffel! /battle Awfull Knoffel stings you with his cat'o'nine tails /choice1 `b g` /go:You Won!! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice Gorgeous George! /battle Gorgeous George covers you with styling mousse and hairspray /choice1 `b g` /go:You Won!! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice You Won!! `b bl`You Won!! Excellent! Except... there seems to be a line forming to the right! `b bl`That was quite a battle! Quite a battle indeed. Perhaps you would like a moment with the healer to patch up any wounds?? `b r` A. Visit with the healer... `b r` B. Nah... not right now. /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anykey `b g` The Line Forms To The Right! /battle Ms Misery whips you with a hickory switch and broken bottle /choice1 `b bl`You Won!! Excellent! Except... there seems to be a line forming to the right! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice `b r` A. Visit with the healer... `b r` B. Nah... not right now. /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /battle the barkeep hits you with his baseball bat /choice1 `b bl`You Won!! Excellent! Except... there seems to be a line forming to the right! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice `b bl`That was quite a battle! Quite a battle indeed. Perhaps you would like a moment with the healer to patch up any wounds?? `b r` A. Visit with the healer... `b r` B. Nah... not right now. /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anykey `b g` /go:Leaving Now! /endquest Barkeep! Another Drink! `b bl`The Barkeep takes one look at you and just laughs. Shaking his head, he calls for the bouncers to escort you to the door. /endquest Fight! Fight! Fight! `b bl` /battle Infuriated Betrothed wacks you with a soup ladle /choice1 `b bl`You Won!! Excellent! Except... there seems to be a line forming to the right! /choice2 `b g` /go:LOSER! /endchoice `b bl`That was quite a battle! Quite a battle indeed. Perhaps you would like a moment with the healer to patch up any wounds?? `b r` A. Visit with the healer... `b r` B. Nah... not right now. /get:AB /choice1 /heal /choice2 /endchoice /anykey `b g` Leaving Now! `b bl`As you head for the door, you stop to drop a coin in the cup of a poor beggar sitting just inside. As the coin rattles in his cup, he says: /male `b bl`"Thank you kind sir. You are most gracious and generous. Allow me to bestow a gift upon you in return! /attribute 2 /endsex /female `b bl`"Why, thank you dear lady. You are indeed most gracious and generous. Please allow me to bestow a gift upon you in return! /attribute 2 /endsex You leave the inn, satisfied that you have enjoyed life to the fullest! /endquest LOSER! `b r`"LOSER" ... "CHICKEN" ... "COME BACK SOME TIME AND PLAY!!" `b bl`The words sting your pride as you leave the Inn, desiring to be able to walk under your own volition rather than being dragged out unconcious! `b bl`Your pride will heal faster than your bones... and there is always another time... another day! /endquest