`b gr` The Gypsy Troll by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS `squiggles `b bl` Far ahead, beyond the next ridge, you see a thin column of smoke, rising lazily in the early morning air. You can almost imagine breakfast cooking over that fire... two large eggs... bacon, crisped just the way you like... a cold glass of water from the nearby stream..... You notice your pace has picked up and your stomach is rumbling! /walking `b bl` As you top the rise, you see the camp in the near distance. It is just one wagon, horse-drawn, pulled off into a small clearing. Doesn't look like there is anyone about... but somebody had to have started that fire. `b r` Do You: `b r` A. - Investigate... before your hunger consumes you. `b r` B. - Pass on by... this is just TOO convenient! `b bl` /get:AB /choice1 /walking `b gr` /go:The Gypsy Camp. /choice2 `b bl` You decide that your hunger can wait... it would be nice to have a hot breakfast, but there have been reports of bandits in this area, and you would rather not tangle with the likes of them this early in the morning! /endquest The Gypsy Camp. `b bl`After what seems like forever, you finally reach the campsite. The wagon looks like those used by Gyspies or wandering minstrals... decked out with all sorts of gadgets, do-dads, and decorative items of all kinds. Looking around, you still can't find the owner. You did find breakfast, however! In a flat pan, just off to the side of the fire, is your dream breakfast... two eggs, bacon, bread, jam, and water. Just waiting to be eaten.... `b r` Do You: `b r` A. - Holler out and see if someone is nearby. `b r` B. - Grab some breakfast and scram! `b r` C. - Head for the hills... this is just TOO weird! /get:ABC /choice1 `b y` HELLO!!! IS ANYONE HERE??? HELLO!!! `b bl`Your voice rings out in the silence, distrubing some small birds nearby. /pause15 `b bl`Then, just behind you, you hear the bushes rustle. Turning around, quickly but not too quickly, you see what looks like a gnarled old woman, wearing the most `r`disgusting`b bl` clothes you have ever seen! She has a cane made from a twisted branch, with a HUGE knob at one end and a nasty looking point at the other! `b gr` /go:The Gypsy Lady /choice2 `b gr` /go:Shagging Breakfast! /choice3 `b gr`Too Weird! `b bl`You decide that your hunger can wait... it would be nice to have a hot breakfast, but there have been reports of bandits in this area, and you would rather not tangle with the likes of them this early in the morning! /endchoice /endquest Shagging Breakfast! `b bl`You rush over to the fire and quickly grab `g`your`b bl` breakfast, stuffing the eggs and bacon between two slices of bread and smearing some jam between two more. It may not be the most elegant breakfast, but you'd rather get out of here before the `r`real`b bl`owner shows up! Stuffing your sandwiches in your travelbag, your decide to put a little distance between you and the camp before sitting down to eat. /running `b bl`As you leave, you hear some rustling in the trees behind you. Not stopping to look back, you head out in high gear.... running as fast as you can! `b r` "COME BACK HERE YOU THIEF!!" `b r` "Curses on you! May you shrivel and die as your morals have!!" /anykey `b bl`As you run, you feel a strangeness come over you, as if the old lady's curses could actually affect YOU! Then a voice whispers in your ear: /random3 /choice1 /take:wisdom /buildphrase `b g` You have lost /win `b g` wisdom today! /endphrase /choice2 /take:courage /buildphrase `b g` You have lost /win `b g`courage today! /endphrase /choice3 /take:intelligence /buildphrase `b g` You have lost /win `b g`intelligence today! /endphrase /endchoice /endquest The Gypsy Lady `b r` "What do you want? Why are you here? Are you some kind of thief `b r` or robber, come to take what little I have?? If you are, beware `b r` the curses of the `b gr`Troll Gypsy Queen!! `b r`I can make your `b r` life more miserable than you ever dream possible! And I will!! `b r` Now be off with you! I have no time to stand around chatting with `b r` complete strangers! GO! Be GONE!!" `b bl`The old lady seems quite agitated. It would appear that this is not her first encounter in these woods. /anykey `y` "I have only come seeking some breakfast... and I am willing to pay `y` for what I eat! I mean you now harm... I am merely a traveller like `y` yourself, tho not nearly so well provisioned." `b bl`The Troll Gypsy Queen stops to ponder this a moment. She pulls a strange amulet from under her robes and appears to be consulting with it. Having never seen magic, you are not aware that the stone in the amulet is a truthstone... capable of seeing the true person inside. /anykey `b r` "Very well... you may dine with me this morning. My amulet has `b r` given you a good reading... tho not as good as you might think!" `b bl`With that, the old lady crosses over to the campfire and sits down. She pulls two plates and some eating utensils from a small bag alongside the fire. Everything looks clean enough.... and beggars can't be choosers! /anykey `b bl`You sit down at the fire also; close, but not too close, and chase some of the morning chill from your bones. The fire feels good... and it is good to get off your feet and rest. The old lady places the food on the plate and hands it to you. She then hands you a well-worn fork, knife, and a wooden goblet of clear water. `y` "Thank you for your kindness and generosity. It is not often that `y` I am priviliged to eat so welcome a meal as this." `b r` "Ahh... it's just simple fare, but a far sight better than you `b r` can get in that fancy Palace! And I dare say a good deal fresher!" `b bl`She cackles at her joke, and you join in. You have heard stories about the food at the Palace... /anykey `b bl`After you have both finished eating, you offer the old lady a few dinar, which she promptly turns down. `b r` "The company of your presence, and the conversation shared, are `b r` payment enough for this meal. But allow me to bestow a gift `b r` upon you...." `b bl`You feel a strange sensation, a kind of tingling all over. /romance 2 /buildphrase `b bl`You have been given /win romace points! /endphrase `b r` "Now be on your way! Perhaps we shall meet again, perhaps not!" /endquest