`b g` ---===<[ Ugh, The Cave Troll ]>===--- by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS. /squiggles `b bl`You are walking thru a wooded area, with a small stream on your left and a rather steep hill on the right. The trail is rather rough, and there seems to be an awful lot of roots and vines covering it. Maybe you should have listened to that old man, when he told you that no one goes this way anymore! /walking `b bl`You have gone past the headwaters of the stream, having seen where it comes out of the hillside as a bubbling natural fountain. Sure was good to have some clean, clear, cold water to drink... instead of that old warm stuff in your canteen. Good thing you refilled the canteen too! `b bl`As you walk, you begin to daydream. Maybe it is the heat, maybe there was something in the water, maybe you have just been walking too long. Whatever it is, you don't quite see the root..... /anykey `b bl`...and you end up stumbling! With a painful twist, you manage to avoid falling FLAT on your face, and instead end up rolling down the hillside to your right. Only it gets steeper.... and you start rolling faster.... and then.... `b r`WHACK! `b bl`The rock beans you square on the head... and you don't remember anything after that! /anykey `b bl`When you come to, you look around (slowly, for your head still hurts), and can't seem to determine where you are! But you do smell a wood fire, and something cooking over it... something like rabbit or venison! Boy... would that taste good right now! `b bl`Licking your lips, you realize you are thirsty. You take a quick drink from your canteen and notice that the water has warmed up considerably. It still tastes good, just no longer cold. You assume that means you have been unconcious for a few hours, but not overnight, as the sun is still high in the sky. `b bl`Your thirst abated, you decide to 'follow your nose' and find the source of that delicious smell! There must be people there somewhere, and you can ask them for directions.....after you eat! /anykey /walking `b bl`Not around here... just more trees, shrubs, bushes, vines, and other assorted things to get in your way. And the smell seems to be getting weaker, as if you are going the WRONG WAY! Sheesh! /searching `b bl`Well, the smell is getting stronger, so you must be headed in the right direction. Let's see if we can find it... that smell is making you feel VERY hungry! /looking `b bl`AH HA!! You have found the fire! And your nose was right!! There is a deer on a spit over the fire, roasting nicely, generating that wonderous aroma that has been your guide all this way! /anykey `b bl`However... there is a cave just behind the fire... a cave that could contain any number of people... or worse! Best to approach slowly, so you don't frighten or irritate whomever may be living there. /walking `b r`"Hello!! Is there anyone in there? I could use a little help!!" `b bl`Your shouts don't seem to be heard... until... /anykey `b br`Out from the cave come a creature... no... a man! A very large man, covered with animal furs, matted hair, and... `b y`PHEW!!`b br` an odor that would send a skunk running! When did this guy last take a bath??? `b r`"Hello! I seem to be lost and was wondering if you could help me find my way back to the main road! And I'd gladly part with a few dinar for some of that wonderful roast deer... it smells absolutely WONDERFULL!" `b w` "UGH!" /anykey `b bl`This may be difficult! Doesn't this fellow speak any known language? `b r`"I say... can you understand me at all?? I need to get `b c`directions `b r`on how to get back to the `b c`main road`b r`. Can you help me??" `b w` "UGH!" /anykey `b bl`Well! This is getting us absolutely NOWHERE! Something must be done or you will be here all night! `b r` A. - Leave him alone and just find your own way back. `b r` B. - Steal some food and head for the hills! `b r` C. - Beat him up for being such an "old" man! /get:ABC /choice1 `b gr` Moving On. `b bl`There would be no point in trying to communicat further... it is quite obvious that this poor fellow doesn't understand a word you are saying, and could quite probably pound you to a pulp with that club you noticed lying just inside the cave entrance. `b r`"Well... I can stay here all day, so I guess I'll just be moving along. Be safe and stay happy!" /wisdom 3 `b bl`As you wander away, you feel a gift, bestowed from the gods! /win `b bl`wisdom points have been granted you this day! /endquest /choice2 `b gr` Grab The Food! `b bl`You decide it would be best to wait for Ugh, or whatever his name is, to go back into the cave before you grab some food. He might not be into "sharing" with complete strangers! You sit down on a rock and... /thinking ...wait him out! Ugh has gone back into the cave, obviously content to let you sit in the sun by yourself. The aroma from the roasting deer is starting to make your stomach rumble... in a big way! Best grab some meat and make a run for it! /anykey `b bl`Oh oh!! Looks like Ugh heard you! Just as you finished carving a nice juicy piece from one flank, you see him coming out of the cave... and he brought his club with him! `b gr` /go:Fight! /choice3 `b gr` /go:Fight! /endchoice Fight! `b bl`Ugh does not look happy... and the closer he gets, the bigger that club looks! This is not going to be easy!! /battle Ugh, The Mighty CaveTroll hits you with his caveman's club /choice1 `b bl`Having defeated the mighty Ugh, you now sit and feast on the roast deer... "To the Victor Go The Spoils"... or so they say! `r`You have fought bravely. Are you in need of the Healer? `b r` A. Yes... that would be a good thing. `b r` B. No.... I'm a tough old coot! /getsub:AB /choicesub1 /heal /choicesub2 /female `b gr` Party On Dudette! /endsex /male `b gr` Party On Dude! /endsex /endchoicesub /choice2 `b c`"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" `b bl`Somehow, the sound of laughter is universal. Oh well... at least you will live to fight another day! And who knows what's around that next bend. /endchoice /endquest