`b gr` Trollish WitchCraft by Robert O. Sachs, Sysop of The Lucky Troll/2 BBS `squiggles `b bl` Far ahead, beyond the next ridge, you see a thin column of smoke, rising lazily in the early morning air. You wonder who would be camping this far out in the jungle... and whether or not you should be worried! /walking `b bl` As you top the rise, you see the clearing in the near distance. It is a small clearing, with only a couple of buildings. One is obviously for the domesticated animals, since you can see a horse's head extended over the top of the door/gate. The other, in only slightly better condition, must therefor be the living quarters of whomever it is that lives this far out. You do not see anyone around, or hear them. `b r` Do You: `b r` A. - Investigate the clearing ahead. `b r` B. - Pass on by... this is just TOO convenient! `b bl` /get:AB /choice1 /walking `b gr` /go:The Clearing /choice2 `b bl` There have been reports of bandits in this area, and you would prefer not to tangle with the likes of them this day. /endquest The Clearing `b bl`After what seems like forever, you finally reach the clearing. The buildings are not in as bad a state of repair as it appeared from a the distance, and the animals look well cared-for as well. Looking around, you still can't find the owner. `b r` Do You: `b r` A. - Holler out and see if someone is nearby. `b r` B. - Head for the hills... this is just TOO weird! /get:AB /choice1 `b y` HELLO!!! IS ANYONE HERE??? HELLO!!! `b bl`Your voice rings out in the silence, distrubing some small birds. /pause15 `b bl`Then, just behind you, you hear the bushes rustle. Turning around, quickly but not too quickly, you see the owner coming thru the trees... a gnarled old woman, with a look about her that tells you that messing with this person would not be in your best interest. While she is not large or powerful appearing, there have been stories of witches and witchcraft told since you were old enough to understand. `b gr` /go:The Encounter! /choice2 `b gr`Too Weird! `b bl`You decide that your hunger can wait... it would be nice to have a hot breakfast, but there have been reports of bandits in this area, and you would rather not tangle with the likes of them this early in the morning! /endchoice /endquest The Encounter! `b r` "What do you want? Why are you here? Are you some kind of thief `b r` or robber, come to take what little I have?? If you are, beware `b r` the curses of the `b gr`S'man'thra, The Witch Troll! `b r`I will `b r` make your life more miserable than you ever dreamed possible! `b g` And I will!! `b r` Now be off with you! I have no time to stand around chatting with `b r` complete strangers! GO! Be GONE!!" `b bl`The old lady seems quite agitated. It would appear that this is not her first encounter in these woods. /anykey `y` "I have only come seeking widsom... and I am willing to pay! `b bl`With that, S'man'thra stops to ponder this a moment. She pulls a strange talisman from her robe and appears to be consulting with it. You having never seen magic like this before! /anykey `b r` "Very well... you may learn with me this morning. My guardian has `b r` given you a good reading... tho not as good as you might think!" `b bl`With that, the old lady crosses over to her cottage and invites you inside. It is dark inside, with little of the bright daylight able to penetrate the thick coverings over the windows. You see rows and rows of jars, bottles, beakers, and other assorted containers... all with strange labels....and smells! Your curiosity to investigate the strange containers is VERY strong: `b r` "Don't be messing with my materials, youngster. You would `b r` not be happy with the results, should you mess with the `b r` wrong things!" `b gr` Do you: `b gr` A. Follow the old woman's advice `b gr` B. Beg her pardon and leave immeadiately `b gr` C. What does she know? Go ahead... check this stuff out!! /get:ABC /choice1 `b g` /go:Lesson Over! /choice2 `b bl` You may never know what you might have learned! /endquest /choice3 `b gr` /go:Messing Around /endchoice Lesson Over! `b bl` The two of you sit in a cozy corner to discuss many things, and the hours fly by. The old lady makes a strange smelling but wonderful tasting tea, which sustains you thru the long conversation. Surprisingly, your throat is not the least bit sore, even after all that talking! `b bl`You offer the woman a few dinar, for the tea and the time spent, but she refuses you: `b r` "The company of your presence, and the conversation shared, are `b r` payment enough for this gift. But allow me to bestow a little `b r` something upon you...." `b bl`You feel a strange sensation, a kind of tingling all over. /wisdom 2 /buildphrase `b bl`You have been given /win wisdom points! /endphrase `b r` "Now be on your way! Perhaps we shall meet again, perhaps not!" /endquest /endquest Messing Around `b bl`You decide that the old lady doesn't really have a clue, and that there can't possibly be anything in here that could harm someone like yourself. You start poking around amongst the jars on the shelves, trying to read the labels.....when.......... /anykey `b y` ***** C R A S H ***** `b r` "HOW DARE YOU! I told you not to mess with my things, that `b r` you would be sorry! But you chose not to listen. So Be It! /take:wisdom /buildphrase `b r` For your folly, I have taken /win wisdom points! /endphrase /anykey /battle An Angry S'man'thra lashes you with her magic /choice1 `b gr` "You have defeated me this time, youngster... but it shall not be `b gr` so easy the next time...... and there WILL be a next time!!" `b gr` "However, you have fought bravely. Are you in need of the Healer?" `b r` A. Yes... that would be a good thing. `b r` B. No.... I'm a tough old coot! /getsub:AB /choicesub1 /heal /choicesub2 /endchoicesub /endquest /choice2 `b r` "Take your hide and get out of my house!" `b bl`The old lady's shouts ring out behind you as you run as fast as you can back into the jungle.... /endquest