Descriptions of the ten Windows Bitmap files: Screen1.bmp This is the first screen that will appear. Screen2.bmp This screen is the SysOp's main menu. Only the SysOp and anyone else with the SysOp's security can see this screen. Screen3.bmp The HOMEWORK v2.0 program performs a 3 pass test every time someone enters the program. Only the SysOp or someone with SysOp's security level will acually see these tests. Screen4.bmp After a normal user enters the program after the Screen1.bmp screen they will come to this screen. There may be an intro screen first, but that is up to the SysOp. From this screen you can use the up and down arrows to select the teacher you want and press enter. Screen5.bmp This is the screen that shows the homework for the teacher. The program will auto detect the 'Homework for:', 'Last updated:' and the 'Subject:'. That was now so in v1.0 and I thought it would be easier for you to have the computer do it for you. As you can also see there is a file attached to this teacher's screen. This file could be anything, but it is intended for a scanned image of any worksheets given out by the teacher for that day. Screen6.bmp By entering Y to the question of flagging the file for download, a student could download the scanned image later on, either at exit of the HOMEWORK v2.0 program or at the BBS Main Menu. Screen7.bmp The simple help file is available for those that know little or nothing about the HOMEWORK v2.0 program. Screen8.bmp If you have flagged any files to download the HOMEWORK v2.0 program will ask you if you want to download them now or later. Screen9.bmp This is the menu the SysOp will see to edit the teacher's files. There is a password protection to get here if you have specified so. The HOMEWORK v2.0 program will ask you for a password right before this screen. The password is CaSe SeNsItIvE for added security. Screen10.bmp When you press enter on any of the teacher's names you will get a menu to either attach a file, edit the teacher's homework, or quit back to the previos menu.