<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<< InterNet Shopper <<<<<<<<<<<<< -------------------- Sept 30/96 .By Roy Morris This program is 32 bit Windows 95 and NT. For other Quality Windows programs please call our BBs (416) 259-6404 Hucks BBs Toronto Install: -------- To install this program . UnZip the file you got it in into any Directory and Pray it works ! Then Run setup and pray once again to the gods of puters that it works . then just go to your file , Start , Programs and kick ass. To Uninstall: ------------ To smoke this program out of the system , go to your Add/Remove Programs and kill it. Notes: ------ This program will not show up in the task bar ! Some of the people out there have bugged me to make sure it does not take up Task bar space .. BOB Whats This All About: --------------------- Good Question ! I am not sure ? ...just kidding This is just one of those ..Man why did I download this type of programs that everyone gets once in a while . What this program does is to take the height and weight and calculates a Ratio that can be checked against a known good "Normal" value and displays you relative shape as a light value. ie. If you are slightly over the Ratio you will see a Yellow traffic light little too much over and you get a Red Traffic Light. so on and So on :) PLEASE ...Dont take this program to heart !! It is just my sick idea of a easy program K ...Dont shoot the piano Man Anyway if you find a bug in this thing please feel free to let me know I will repair it . Even if it is a dumb little thing ..LOL Disclaimer: ----------- Don't even think about having any kind of warrenty on this thing ..Geeze I mean really ! If this screws up your system or causes your husband to start a diet which ends up killing him , or makes your wife leave you for a green light man . I dont want to hear about it . LOL Just the facts Mam , By the way if you know somthing about weight and height ratios and would like to share it with me that would be great. But just dont call complaining that the scale is wrong K ...:) This program also lets you know if you should be visiting McDonalds more often to gain some weight. How to Contact Da Man: ---------------------- If you are complaining , please call Microsoft and ask them why they let me buy this software K If you would like to Praise Me:(I wont hold My Breath) Email = rmorris@cgocable.net Irc = Nick is Roy_Ana on Efnet CuSeeMe = nick -OU812- @ White pine Ref Well thats it ..do me a favor if you get this program and actually read to this point please send me an email and let me know. Thanks Roy Morris