© 1996 Copyright FAICO Information Solutions
Author Email: Godfrey Ko
godfreyk@netvigator.com - comments, suggestions are welcomed.
WebPage: http://home.netvigator.com/~godfreyk/likse/


LIKSE is an off-line HTML viewer, with a built-in search engine that retrieves pages in hypertext format. The search engine supports boolean operators (AND, OR, PHRASE), and will even list the first few lines of the document as a quick summary. You may use LIKSE to help you and your users to organise information and find what you want instantly and efficiently. You no longer have to search manually for the document you want and then wait for a slow browser to load it. LIKSE runs like the wind and at 300KB compressed can even run off a floppy. It will run on any machine that has Windows installed.

Please See the detailed features below.

Key features:

LIKSE Mailing List

We are keep improving our softwares. If you want to receive a notification when new releases of LIKSE are available, please send an email to me with subject - Subscribe LIKSE.

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