Sept 8, 1996 WorldFlash Software Version .95 Ken Shapiro, Programmer/Designer Welcome to the final pre-release of WorldFlash News Ticker! I hope you enjoy this program and find it to be useful. This is the third release, the first release was a big success with few bugs found. However, there will still be a few lingering problems, so if you find any please mail me at Program Requirements: Pentium or similar, Window 95, 16Meg RAM, 28.8K Modem recommended. Minimum supported resolution 640x480 256 colors, minimum recommended resolution 800x600, 256 colors or better. Once WorldFlash News Ticker is running, it will attempt to connect to the Internet. If you have your Win95 Autodial settings, you will be prompted to connect to your ISP. If you are on a LAN or already have an active TCP/IP connection, WorldFlash will start up with quotes, news headlines and weather. You can double-click on anything to activate your internet browser with a link to that item. WorldFlash comes with Netscape set up as the default browser, but you can change that if you like (to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, for example) in the Preferences dialog box. You can single-click and move the mouse left and right to drag a pane. The pane at the bottom (or in the middle for the "wide" window style" is the ad pane. You can't drag or move this pane. Right-click with the mouse to bring up the WorldFlash menu. You should use the Preferences dialog box to customize the program. You can set the speed of the scrolling panes, and some other window variables, and you can change the news headline groups or the local news feeds, etc. You can also choose Internet Explorer 3.0 as your Web browser instead of the default Netscape. See the on-line help page for information on using the Preferences dialogs. If you have a POP3 compatible mail account, you can have WorldFlash scan periodically for your incoming mail. You need to fill in the appropriate information in the Preferences dialog box. Also, WorldFlash will use the path to your preferred email client program (e.g. WEUDORA.EXE if you are using Eudora Lite) when you double-click on a mail header in the scrolling pane. If this is confusing, email me and tell me why at Sounds! This archive doesn't include the .WAV files used by the program. So, you won't hear the sound effects, including a tinkly bell navigation cue, occasional voice announcements and a "swoosh" effect when you drag a pane with the mouse. If you want them, you should be able to download another file called "NFSOUNDS.ZIP", which can be found at This file contains the .WAV resources used by WorldFlash. To use them, unzip them to a subdirectory of your WorldFlash program directory called "Resources". You will need to create this directory first (the DOS command "mkdir resources" works fine). Problems? Email me at, you guessed it, If you are running through a Proxy/Firewall server, you may not be able to run this program (or many others) without special external software. You can get it at Get SocksCap32. That about covers it till next time. Thanks, Ken, CTO WorldFlash Software