From: Subj: Yahoo!'s Picks of the Week (September 2, 1996) Here's the latest email installment of Yahoo!'s Picks of the Week. Thank you for your interest in our feature. As always you can access these picks online at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here goes. Sing with us. Maaa-carena, Macarena, Macarena, Macarena! (Pause. Take breath). Macarena, Macarena, Macarena, Macarena. Heeeey, Macarena! (One site with how-to images). Again. MMMMMMacarena, Macarena, Macarena, Macarena. Heeeey, Macarena! (Another one with (Time=238), (H)elp, More(Y/N/NS)? nshow-to text). In case you don't already know, the Macarena is a dance, a craze, an Electric Slide of these here times. And this is the latest selection of Picks. Welcome. ____________________ You can call the Macarena a Can-Can of sorts, but can you can? The reason we ask is, Home Canning Online makes it so you can can. At home, no less. Provided by the folks at Bernardin, Ltd. (they make home canning products) the site also preserves a fairly large amount of free information. Here, you'll find a searchable collection of recipes, a large number of useful tips and a home canning forum. Now we'd like to say something about keeping a lid on it and getting into a jam, but we won't. That would be a canned response. ____________________ Speaking of canned responses, do you know what to do the next time you get one of those unsolicited solicitations while eating dinner? The Anti-Telemarketer Source, in its own words, is dedicated to "providing the public with a humorous, and informative way of battling unwanted telephone sales calls." The VinMan has put together a collection of facts you should know if you'd like to be out of the sales loop, so to speak, as well as rather interesting personal tactics (pick the one you're most comfortable with) and a list of sometimes hilarious links. (See Telemarketer Fun). ____________________ Here's an idea that really takes the cake. Manfred and Gordon's Virtual Patisserie is kind of, sort of, maybe a cross between Like Water for Chocolate and Politically Correct Bedtime Stories, with a dose of dessert porn thrown in for good measure. We have no idea what dessert porn is, but thought we'd say that anyway. It's hard to explain Red's Revenge, or Bogart's Folly, much less to explain a collection of links that include x-ray images of cakes and pies. But we like it. At yeast it rises to the occasion. Further obligatory puns: it frosts our cupcakes. They can have their cake and eat it, too. Let them eat cake. The proof is in the pudding. (Don't email any others, we'll have our telemarketers call you.) ____________________ Okay, time to get serious. Just the facts. As it happens, just the FAQs is what you'll get at FAQ Finder, a plethora of links to FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) online, organized into appropriate and thoroughly useful categories. Developed by Philip Kallerman and Ras Jarborg of Stockholm, Sweden, the database also offers you the chance to add more. Here we learned that domestic pet ferrets are otherwise known as Mustela furo, but sometimes called Mustela putorius furo. How about that? There's a lot of facts to FAQs ____________________ From the fact or fiction department, we have Musee Imaginaire, an Italian site exhibiting legal fakes of art masterpieces. Take a virtual tour of the museum and peruse their selection, which includes reproduced Renoir, kopied Klimpt, pretend Picasso and Pissarro, make believe Monet, Magritte, Modigliani and a slew of other pilfered paintings and painters. ____________________ Don't like fake masterpieces? What? You want to see Dave's Wonderful World of Yo-Yos instead? Fine. Go ahead. Just remember: you've thrown us for a loop (de-loop). The site has its ups and downs. Many. ____________________ Richard Lederer likes language. He's a veritable verbivore. He has a penchant for puns. He points out that English "is the only language in which you drive in a parkway and park in a driveway and night falls but never breaks and day breaks but never falls." He points out a whole bunch else, too. Sometimes he points it out in Salon Magazine. Which is to say, in other words (plenty of other words), Richard Lederer's site is Pun Central. (Note: the last sentence of this paragraph was meant to be something funny about Richard Lederer's site. But we couldn't come up with anything, and hey, why pun-ish ourselves and you?) ____________________ Finally, an unrelated, fascinating story. The short version: In December, 1994, a Chinese university student named ZHU Ling became gravely ill. The symptoms of her disease were peculiar and proved difficult (if not impossible) to diagnose. You can read about them in detail at this site. In March, 1995, ZHU Ling was hospitalized and shortly thereafter fell into a coma. Tests, treatments and consultations by a number of specialists and doctors were inconclusive and did not cure her. In April of the same year, BEI Zhicheng, a student at Beijing University, "sent an SOS e-mail message through the Internet", documenting the case and asking for help. The longer version of this amazing tale, including what happened next is at First International Telemedicine Trial. We suggest you stop there when you take your pick(s). ____________________ (Also: we've been given one hundred Yahoo! t-shirts for a Picks of the Week contest. We'd like you to email us suggestions, thoughts, amazing plans for this contest. Send your ideas to If we use yours, there'll only be 99 t-shirts to give away.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following sites were featured recently in our daily update, Yahoo! for the Day: ____________________ The Ultimate Band List - a labor of love formerly known as Web Wide World of Music gets a makeover and becomes... ____________________ BigFoot 4x4 - a monster, no doubt, but not to be mistaken with Sasquatch, the other Bigfoot. ____________________ The Three Stooges Collectors Showcase - everything you ever wanted to know about Stooge collectibles, but had absolutely no idea who to ask. And more. ____________________ BreathAsure - because your friends will like you for it. Try the breath test. ____________________ Design i/O - Bill Chin's an insomniac. He likes to spend his nights laboring over royalty free clip art for you. ____________________ Current Population Survey - a monthly survey of about 50,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ____________________ International Narcotics Control Strategy Report - published in March, 1996, a report by the U.S. State Department on the worldwide drug trade, and then some. ____________________ Shambhala Publications - the magic, craft, and business of books. ____________________ Better Homes and Gardens - don't just make your home better, make your garden better, too. ____________________ Astrology.Net - Jupiter is in the house. Or something like that. ____________________ Hearst Castle - the magnificent historic estate in San Simeon, built by William Randolph Hearst. ____________________ Sears, Roebuck and Co. - the softer site of Sears. Sign up to win a $100 gift certificate. ____________________ HBO Taxicab Confessions - stories from a New York City taxi at night. Enter to win $5000. ____________________ - Frank & Teressa's original sauce from the Anchor Bar, New York, undisputed home of the Buffalo Chicken Wing. ____________________ Cool Site of the Year 1996 - from the place that began the cool site craze. The nominees are... ____________________ Children's Institute International - private, non-profit organization specializing in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. ____________________ NASD Regulation, Inc. - regulating the securities industry and the Nasdaq Stock Market. ____________________ Moet & Chandon - take a trip to Epernay and the champagne region of France. Careful with the cork. ____________________ National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA) - parts is parts. ____________________ Feeling Minnesota (the movie) - feeling. Nothing but feeling. ____________________ Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - "to assure the development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis and to improve the quality of life for those with the disease." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to stop by for the complete text that surrounds our list of Picks or simply for the list, whichever you prefer: Also try Yahoo! for the Day, a way for us to get noteworthy sites to you as we see and add 'em: and Yahoo! Net Events, a selection of today's live happenings on the Web: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you would like to stop receiving these mailings, simply send an email message to with the body of the message containing the line "unsubscribe your-email-address", where 'your-email-address' is replaced with, you guessed it, your email address.