Disk Catalog version 1.2 - Documentation Changes since version 1.0: Popup meny by clicking right mouse button Renaming disks made possible ZIP and ARJ file support added Hotkeys added Disk catalog is a program for organising your disks. You'll never have to seek on your floppy's, because once you've put them in Disk Catalog a simple Find command is enough. When opening Disk Catalog, the program show's an open file dialog. With this dialog you can as well open an existing file as creating a new file. This can be done simply by typing or selecting the name and pressing the Open button. Once opened, disks can be added to the file by selecting the options add disk. You'll see a dialog which asks for the name of the disk. Next, you'll see a dialog in which you can specify which in which drive the disk can be found. Then, Disk Catalog checks the disk and adds the files to the database. Once a disk was changed, Disk Catalog can be updated by using the refresh option from the disk menu. You can select the name of the disk to refresh, and disk catalog will update it's database by checking the disk. It is also possible to refresh a disk by clicking on the name of the disk or the name of a file on the disk with the right mouse button. A popup menu will appear and you can select to refresh, delete or rename the disk. When a disk is out of date, it can be deleted using the delete option from the disk menu. This can be done on the same way as refreshing, but it will not check the disk. Disk Catalog works directly in the currently opened .DC file. This increases speed. However, this made it impossible to really delete disks: when you delete a disk, the links to it will be broken, but the part of the .DC allocated by that disk will not be freed. For this reason, .DC files will not get smaller when deleting a disk. But, the .DC files can get smaller if you optimize the file. Optimizing in Disk Catalog means that the .DC file is rebuild again, so the allocated space by the deleted disks is deallocated. It is possible to optimize the file every time when closing Disk Catalog, by selecting the option Optimize when Closing from the Options Dialog. It is also possible to Optimize the file by selecting Optimize from the Program menu. To find a file, you select find from the find menu. You can use wild cards on the same way as DOS uses them. Once a file is found, it'll be displayed on the top of the screen. If the file couldn't be found, you'll hear a beep. If there are more files that match the wild card, you can find the next by selecting find next from the find menu. You can also manual browse through the database. Disks, directories and compressed archives can be opened and closed by clicking on the picture of the disk on the left of the name. Clicking somewhere else on the same hight of the name will show you information about the file or directory. If you've used Disk Catalog 1.0, you'll find out Disk Catalog 1.2 doesn't support the files created with version 1.0. For this reason, I included a converter named DC10TO20.EXE, which converts files from version 1.0 to version 1.2. I'll hope you'll enjoy using Disk Catalog. For any questions or remarks: E-mail: bert@caiw.nl Home: Bert Greevenbosch Roestmos 12 3069 AR Rotterdam the Netherlands Phone: +31-10-4215920 New versions will be released first on my internet page: http://www.caiw.nl/~bert