DooMII Backpack V2.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scott Langstaff ( This wad was originally inspired by Mark Klem's excellent Markinc wad. The idea of including things you would always want when you play DooMII :) What's "DooMII Backpack" all about? Well, basically I have taken a whole bunch of cool DooM stuff, stuck it all together, and added some of my own touches..In short, this is everything you could possibly want for DooM2 (almost). For a full listing of everyone who has contributed towards this wad, see THANKS.DOC as soon as possible. Apart from the files required to play backpack.wad, I have also included: LEV30N.ZIP } LEV30N.LMP LEV30N.TXT This is purely for interest and you may remove it if you wish. *************************INSTRUCTIONS**************************************** INSTALL - this will put all the sprites into the wad, making it playable. (afterwards you will be taken straight into the game) BACKPACK - after it has been installed, you can play it again by typing this. That's all there is to it. It doesn't edit the main WAD or EXE file or anything else - so don't worry. Just enjoy. ***************************************************************************** I would greatly appreciate people's opinion on this wad. Of course, you can e-mail me about anything related to DooM if you like. Or black metal, or ferrets (Ferrets TC?) or whatever. Also, if you discover any bugs, please let me know. If you wish to use any part of this wad elsewhere, check out THANKS.DOC to see if the part you wish to use is listed with the author and contact address.. However, if an author or contact address is not known for some reason then I'm afraid I can't help.. If you wish to distribute DooMII Backpack as a full package, then feel free, but please let me know first. ---VERSION INFORMATION--- 1.0 > 1.3 - new: title picture, menu logo, demos, soundtrack, sounds, lost soul, death scenes for zombieman, imp, demon, sky#3, endoom, lastguy wav files.. 2.0 - in addition: demos (now for 1.9), soundtrack adjusted, sounds tampered with, replacement maps (4, 13, 19, 26, & 31 - more planned for future versions!) different sky#3, lmp file of map30 on nightmare.. 2.1 - now: two new demos, new map22, installation changed.. ***************************************************************************** The following files should have been included in BAKPAK21.ZIP: BACKPACK.WAD BAKPAK21.TXT THANKS.DOC INSTALL.BAT BACKPACK.BAT DEUSF.EXE LEV30N.ZIP ***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************