MODEM GAMELINK BBS Readme FILE ------------------------------------ Prepare to enter the realm of fast paced action multiplayer games such as 4 Player Heretic, Doom and Doom II, Global Conquest! Spectre! and many other interactive games with more coming online in the future such as Rise of the Triad, Descent, Terminal Velocity, and other games as they are released. Welcome to MODEM GAMELINK BBS! Here to serve you and the community offering the best in multiplayer gaming and interactive FUN. It is VERY important that you read this text file very carefully and follow the instructions precisely so that you can be playing doom in no time! (ALONG WITH THIS FILE YOU SHOULD ALSO READ SIRGCONN.DOC FILE FOR MORE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON USING GAME CONNECTION!) Intructions for using the MODEM GAMELINKBBS: -Bare minimum requirements: 486/33, 8 megs memory, 14,400 baud modem these are the absolute bare minimums..Games with 33 mhz machines will slow the game down so it seems like you cannot run..The game is still very playable but speed improves cosiderably with 66 mhz and up.... With 3 and four player doom a 486/33 may not be fast enough to get into a game. what will happen is a black screen with music only. Wait 30-50 seconds before you try to exit the game as sometimes a 486/33 will make it into the game. If you need to exit and try again ,don't hang up , hit ALT_X and at the prompt hit Y for yes. then type SIRDOOM and enter .you should be back on the BBS. Also if you hold the escape key you can abort a connct attempt for Doom.. -Highly recommended: 486/66 or better, 8+ megs ram, 28,000 baud modem, 16550 UART chip. To PLAY DOOM, DOOM 2 or Heretic over MODEM GAMELINK BBS: -Unzip the file SIRDOOM.ZIP into your Sirdoom directory or what ever you name it. -Run sirdoom.exe and type ALT-C and check all the options to see if they are updated and correct! F2 at the in modem setup will bring up a window with some common modems in it..Find one to match yours or close to it. Save and exit, hit alt i you will either get an ok, error, or nothing. You want an ok... -Once it has succesfully initialized hold down the alt key and press "I" (in other words, type alt-I) it should type out an init string to your modem and say "ok", if you have an error, then you need to change your init string, consult your modem manual, the options that you want are DISABLED ERROR CORRECTION and DISABLED DATA CORRECTION baud set to 19.2. -Once you have succesfully fully initialized the modem you can now press ALT-D, then ALT-E and enter Modem Gamelink 788-2213 in the dialing dir Now your ready to call the to dial the BBS, and try your first 4 Player Deathmatch. You'll find monsters are no match compared to other Human minds.. Enter the game connection from the main menu and ENJOY THE CARNAGE!!!! -For help with playing other games under the game connection, read the SIRGCONN.DOC file. -If you have any other questions, read the file SIRDOOM.DOC located in your file. If you still need help contact us, the sysops and we will be happy to help you with any problems! -Let the games BEGIN! If you need to contact us, feel free to call us and leave a mail message with your name and number at: 603-636-9807 And we will get back to you as soon as possible.