================================================================================ Title : BrozGrim Death Matches Filename : BROZDETH.WAD Author : LegMan, Speedy and Thrasher Email Address : N/A Misc. Author Info : a.k.a. The Brothers Grim, creators of the Grim Sense of Humor (GSOH.WAD) replacement for E1M1-9 of Doom I. Description : Chew on your friend's face with a ChainSaw! Blast your bro(s) with a double-barrel! The Brothers Grim, the most kill-happy siblings since the Menendez' (doh!), *proudly* present a series of DooM ][ wads SPECIFICALLY designed for death matching. Some have monsters, while others don't. In those that do, they were added for the heck of it. In fact, if you DO decide to play these as single player with monsters, you may find that you have about the same odds as a blind, well-dressed White boy waiting for the night's last bus on Chicago's South side. (And I will make NO apology for that last remark, either.) >:) In any event, these will certainly provide a 'fix' for curing your DMing dt's. A few of the maps are suited for hunting\ambushing, while others are the equivalant of dropping two big wolf-spiders into a baby-food jar together. (By the way - I LIKE SPIDERS, and wouldn't kill one that wouldn't kill me.) Also, we tried to ensure that the weaponry advanced in a somewhat ascendant fashion, meaning that, (up to a point, anyway) you'll would encounter bigger and badder weapons as you advance to the later maps. Map 29 is an 'enhancement' *heh* of the ol' E1M1 from DooM I. Apologies and thanx to id, as appropriate. This one plays ok as a 1-player, too. HINT: The door behind the 1-player start position can now be opened. Oooooh - Undiscovered Country! Additional Credits to : id Software, of course. Green Mother Nature (*wink*). The Broz' Wives - (the "Mistress' of our domains"). WADED (1.83), DCK (2.2) and their authors. ================================================================================ * Play Information * Level #('s) : 1 - 30; That oughtta keep ya busy 4 awhile. Single Player : Heh, sure - go ahead, if you enjoy frustration. Cooperative 2-4 Player : The Starts are there, but WadEd bitched, otherwise. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Ohhhhh Yeah - Our only purpose from the get-go. Difficulty Settings : In most. New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : Nope New Music : Yeah, Right. I do `-nomusic', myself. Demos Replaced : "I don't THINK SO, Tim." * Construction * Base(s) : From Scratch Editor(s) used : WADED vX.XX (Registered) and DCK v.2.2 Known Bugs : Tsss; Yeah, right - Like we'd ADMIT something like that if there were?? Oh - by the way; the mirrors in the bathrooms on map 03 ARE intentional. So don't go slappin' yourself on the back for THOSE. Other than that, though, we apologise for anything else you might spot. ================================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * You may NOT use these levels as a base for a new level. You may distribute this file via any electronic means so long as both of the files that are assoc- iated with this .WAD (BROZDETH.WAD and BROZDETH.TXT) are archived together. And remember - booze kills; it should be illegal. But Green-Nature enlightens!