- QUAKE Project1 v 0.91 Okay. It's my QUAKE Project1 v0.91 - prerelease. Several QuakeC patches in one. ============================================================================= What we have now? v0.1 All powerups (except biosuit) can be switched ON/OFF by "impulse 133" console command (don't forget to bind it to your favorite key). When a powerup is switched OFF - it's still with us until we die, and we can switch it ON at any time. When we get "QUAD damage" but hold it OFF - AXE has quad power, too. Backpacks can now explode - explosion size/damage depends on number of rockets in. YOUR backpack can now explode - in case you have rockets in it - with 2% probability. Explosion size/damage depends on number of rockets in your backpack. v0.2 Probability of YOUR backpack exploding depends now on attacker's weapon. (from 1.5% with SuperNailGun or Lightning to 5% with SuperShotGun). When Quad damage is turned OFF there's no Quad sound. ShotGun's powered up. SuperShotGun's powered up but reload time had increased (DOOM style). Added reload SOUND (temporarily it's ammo touch sound). Now we can see more blood. v0.3 Added several new sounds and new sound events. Added SuperShotGun reload sound from DOOM II (C) IdSoftware. v0.4 Added Multiskin v1.1 Fixed SuperShotGun "overflow" bug. Fixed SuperShotGun "sound" bug. SuperShotGun now can't gib a player. Pretuned several internal constants. Changed missile model (slowed down, damage range changed from 100-120% to 90-150%). Rockets, grenades, nails now can pass trhough teleports (not always). v0.5 "Rocket vector after teleport" bug fixed. You wanted "gibbing" player body's"? I did it. Another "bloodiest" effect added... Sure, you will notice it :). Added "deathmatch 3" by Avatar (with minor changes). What it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathmatch3 includes the following changes: Weapons act like they do in deathmatch 2, each player can pick them up one time per life. Health and ammo respawning after random period of time 20-40 gametics. Armor and MegaHealth spawns after 20-50 gametics. Quad damage and biosuit spawns at 10-110 gametics, and the other power ups in 10-510 gametics. To use deathmatch3 in the game, the server must type deathmatch 3 at the console (or +deathmatch 3 at startup) and then start a new level. Thanks to -*Avatar*- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "teamplay 69" added. What it is: Player can damage/kill his teammate and loose one frag in this case. No stupid "no friends damage" now. Several new "teamplay 69" messages added. To use "teamplay 69" in the game, the server must type "teamplay 69" at the console (or +teamplay 69 at startup) and then start a new level. v0.6 "Quad damage finished" bug fixed. "Blew up message" bug fixed. Blood level decreased. Added TradeBackPack function: You can drop backpack with ammo by pressing only one key (impulse 134). If your current weapon is AXE - you'll drop half of ammo of all kinds. If your current weapon SHOTGUN - you'll drop half of your rockets. In all other cases - you'll drop your current weapon and half of ammo for it. Added several new sounds and sound events: Step sound - depending on player velocity. Wall touch sound. Sound of breath - it's probability depends on player health. v0.7 Now all backpacks can explode. Floor impact can detonate a backpack. Removed "rocket owner's half damage". Now you can switch message mode ON/OFF by "impulse 135". Default mode is OFF - you're not receiving messages on armor/ammo/weapon you pick up. Removed MultiSkin messages on respawn (boring). Added "deathmatch 69" - my original idea. What it is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deathmatch69 includes the following changes: Weapons act like they do in deathmatch 2, each player can pick them up one time per life, but you CAN pick up ammo from a respawned weapon, and the next person will pick it with 0 ammo. When a weapon (not ammo) was picked up it will respawn after 30 sec with default ammo load. Health and ammo respawn after a random period of time of 20-40 gametics. Armor and MegaHealth respawns after 20-50 gametics. Quad damage and biosuit respawns in 10-110 gametics, and other powerups -- in 10-510 gametics. To use deathmatch69 in a game, the server must type deathmatch 69 at the console (or +deathmatch 69 at startup) and then start a new level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main BugFix! "Backpack dropped into the wall" bug fixed. Temporary removed Gibbing Bodies - to avoid server crashing. Changed "explode backpack" code - to avoid "can't respawn" bug. "Delay on powerup switching" bug removed. v0.8 Added "Throwing Axes" by Steve Wedge with minor changes (impulse 1 - same as simply AXE). Added Throwing Axes Light with Quad damage (cool effect). Added "avoid telefrag on spawning" by Johannes Plass. Added spikes/nails ricochet. Changed "your backpack explode" algorithm. Now shoots in your back have more probability of explosion than if enemies stay face to face. Added Quake v1.05beta quakeC patch by IdSoftware (with minor changes). Teamplay 69 renamed to Teamplay 2. v0.9 Removed weapon autoswitching on pick up. Now in deathmatch modes you can drop backpack only with rockets (in teamplay you can drop any weapon with any ammo). Added BFG code by J.Ripley with minor changes. When you have grenade launcher and lightning gun at the same time - BFG enabled. 20 cells per shoot. "Impulse 9" to chooses BFG. CheatCommand (was "impulse 9") moved to "impulse 13". Several internal constants have been pretuned. "Bleeding bodies" option when you trample them is back again. Added "Dead body's MultiSkin". "Can't respawn after discharging to water" bug fixed - it was in Id source code. In "deathmatch 69" now when you pick up ammo from a weapon - you drop this weapon to the floor if you already have it. "SemiPause" by "impulse 211 "is added. When game is "semipaused", players can't move and fire, but can change skins, names and do other stuff. Now if a player was killed under water - his body swims up and leaves a bloody trace. Nice :). You're playing on your favorite deathmatch level and you want to improve this level's conditions? But you don't want to research heaps of Quake level editors, bsp compilers, brush makers, converters, etc... YOU CAN DO IT NOW with Quake Project1! "Game Administrator" added. What it does: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- By pressing "impulse 212" a player can became a Game Administrator. Now he can choose any weapon/ammo/item by impulses 200,201 (same as for MultiSkin) and place them anywhere on the level by pressing impulse 134 (same as TradeBackpack). When editing is finished just press impulse 212 again and you'll became a regular "player" again. During the game only one player can became a Game Administrator only once and if he has 0 frags. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.91 "Observer mode 1.19" added - press "impulse 210 ". "Server News" added - press "impulse 215 ". Now you don't see SuperShotGun during reload - very helpfull. Added alternative score/rating counter. Call console when level finished to see your rating. SuperShotGun & ShotGun have the same "impulse 3 ". "Impulse 2" to chooses BFG. "Impulse 9" now obsolted. Removed autoswitching on ammo depleting. "Not enough ammo" sound added. "Connect during Semipause" bug fixed. "Loosing skin" bug fixed. "Unlimited Ring Of Shadows" bug fixed. "Was_Admin" name fixed. "No BFG in dropped BackPack" bug fixed. "Dead body flying out of level" bug fixed. Wrote a manual. Sorry - only on russian. On english will be later. ========================================================================= Key binding: critical for deathmatch: impulse 2 - switch to BFG impulse 3 - switch between SSG & SG impulse 133 - Powerups ON/OFF switch impulse 134 - Trade BackPack (Put item when Administrator) impulse 211 - SemiPause just for start up: impulse 13 - CheatCommand impulse 135 - Message mode ON/OFF (Removing items mode ON/OFF when Administrator) impulse 200 - Change Skin + (Choose item when Administrator) impulse 201 - Change Skin - (Choose item when Administrator) impulse 210 - Observer Mode (NOCLIP observer mode ON/OFF) impulse 212 - Admin functions ON/OFF impulse 215 - Server News ========================================================================= Known bugs: Version 0.91 not tested yet! Please mail me about all bugs. Release (1.0) will come out after completing bugs/errors fix. System requirements: Pentium 90 or higher with 16Mb RAM minimum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to install it? Copy zip file to your Quake directory. Unzip with key "-d". Delete zip file and run "quake.exe -game project1". Files included in the package: \PROJECT1\progs.dat \PROJECT1\PROGS\player.mdl - multiskin \PROJECT1\PROGS\throwaxe.mdl - Axe model \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\billy.wav - attacker sound \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\deathhi.wav - death \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\haha.wav - powerups ON/OFF \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\pain.wav - pain \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\reload.wav - SuperShotGun reload \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\wallt.wav - wall touch \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\step.wav - step \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\psoul.wav - breath \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\bounce1.wav - backpack bounce \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\taxhit1.wav - Throwing Axe hit \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\taxhit2.wav - Throwing Axe hit \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\taxhit3.wav - Throwing Axe hit \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\woosh.wav - Throwing Axe fly \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\bfg.wav - Firing BFG \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\bfgexpl.wav - BFG exploding \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\weapnup.wav - BFG pick up \PROJECT1\SOUND\PROJECT1\noammo.wav - not enough ammo All wav files - test/temporary versions. If you have any cool wavs for this events - please mail me. You CAN't play on Project1 Quake servers without throwaxe.mdl file - sorry. You can do this only with versions 0.7 and below... ============================================================================ If You run your own Quake server with Project1 patch is connected to Internet - please include to your hostname something as "Project1_v0.91". For example: quake -dedicated 16 -game project1 +hostname Texas_Project1_v0.91 +map start ============================================================================ Where can you get the source code? I'll include it in the final release. Future plans: Just finish it... -------------- Got some interesting ideas? Mail me - Additional credit's: Kevin Bowen - for blood idea and code. AsmodeusB - for "corpse" code examples. -*Avatar*- - for deathmatch3 example. foobar - for explosion backpack idea. Dennis Noordsij - for MultiSkin v 1.1 code. Steve Wedge - for "Throwing Axes" code. Johannes Plass - for "Telefrag" code. J.Ripley (PsLaM) - for BFG code. William F.Harris - for BFG code from DMplus. Val Komissarov - for help with English. Mike Lonch (B0SS) - for playtesting. Wadim Nuzniy (NeedMan) - for playtesting. Grigory Chygynov (GR) - for playtesting. Vladimir Gordeev (CptPower) - for playtesting. Oleg Dejkin (OD) - for playtesting. IdSoftware - for this great game. Where can you find last version of Project1? Sorry for my english. Sincerely yours Peter (Dragon__#quake) P.S. From Russia with love.