Quest Beta 1.080 Additions / new things -------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: - Map or Wad extensions are automatically added to filenames - func_* and trigger_* entities can no longer be selected - Vertex "drifting" is fixed for points that are integral (points snapped to any grid will no longer drift. Points not snapped may still drift slightly (shouldn't even be visible in Quake), but since you you didn't snap them, that shouldn't bother you. - I found a bug in the vertex transformation loop, which caused us to basically translate each vertex twice. Drawing (especially in wireframe) should be considerably faster now. Added: - Face Mode! This mode behaves similarly to Brush Mode. The focal points are green rather than red, and turn yellow when you select the face because it can be difficult to determine which face is selected. When you have faces selected, vertices behave as they do in brush mode, but if you click on the T button, the texture will be applied to the individual faces. Also, hitting Ctrl-E with a single face selected will bring up a Face editing Window. It displays a textured view of the selected face, and allows you to modify the offset/scaling on it. The following keys can be used: Ctrl + Up - Increase Y scaling by .05 Ctrl + Down - Decrease Y scaling by .05 Ctrl + Right - Increase X scaling by .05 Ctrl + Left - Decrease X scaling by .05 Up - Move texture Up by snap size Down - Move texture Down by snap size Left - Move texture Left by snap size Right - Move texture Right by snap size Note that texture rotation is not yet implemented. Removed: - Mirroring would result in lots of plane-flipping problems, so it has been temporarily removed. When it's fixed I'll re-add it.