Quest Public Beta 1.080 Notes / Disclaimers / Excuses ----------------------------------------------------- Issue #1: The DOS / WIN95 thing. Quest was written for DOS for several reasons. 1) Portability. Try porting a Win95 app to linux. 2) Everyone and their mother is making a Quake editor for Win95. 3) We like DOS. If you really want to run Quake under Win95, by all means, try it. But if you are reporting bugs, please remember to tell us that you are running in Win95 (so that we know to put your email at the bottom of the stack, heheh). Seriously though, it *should* work under 95, so don't hesitate to report Win95-specific bugs. But if you are trying to run Quest on a PowerMac emulating DOS, then um... you are a brave soul. We have found plenty of things that work fine under Win95, and plenty of things that do not work well at all. All in all, your best bet is to shut down Windows 95, boot to DOS, start up Quest, pour a nice cold glass of your favorite beverage, and make a level. Issue #2: The BUG thing. If you didn't notice, Quest is still in its beta stage. It won't work perfectly. It might not load all your maps. It might not save all your maps. It might not like all of your graphics .wad files. Save early and save often and save multiple copies. If you find bugs, please report them. Send mail to either or (preferably, send a copy to both of us). PLEASE include vital information such as your computer type, OS, amount of RAM, and (very important) version number. Issue #3: The UPDATE thing. We will be releasing many fixes, updates, and the like, as often as we can. Realistically, one update per week is probably what you should expect. Look in the CHANGES.TXT file for furthur information. Issue #4: The LEGAL thing. Information regarding the policies and guidelines you must follow as far as redistribution / selling levels / giving out levels / etc can be found in the legal.txt file. They are very strict right now, but will perhaps be a bit looser once Quest is actually a finished product. Issue #5: The PAYMENT thing. Quest Public Beta is free. All future versions of Quest will be free. You can register it if you think it deserves money, and we might send you a few goodies. For now, however, dont send us money. We dont know how much we want to charge for it, and we haven't signed id's Commercial Exploitation License, so we couldn't legally take your money anyway. Read the legal.txt file for further information regarding registration. Issue #6: The QUAKE thing. Quest will load and save .map files, and thats about it as far as importing / exporting goes. id Software's QBSP, LIGHT, and VIS programs will process these map files just fine (most of the time). Even though we have no control over which utils you use to make your levels (v.28 or v.29), we ask that you please be a good boy and use version 29 (the version that only works with registered Quake). Issue #7: The WEB thing. If you dont know, Quest has its own webpage. It is pretty spiffy and can be found at Issue #8: The THANK YOU thing. Quest is a 2-person project. However, the information used in the making of Quest comes from all over the net. Specifically, here are a few people we would like to thank: All the gurus at id Software for their unrelenting pursuit of better faster 3D action games, especially John Carmack who has promptly and kindly answered a ridiculous number of ridiculous questions from both of us. All the dudes on #quakeed on irc. Crowbar, Yakuza, Zep, Nofx, BanditX, NetMinder, MrPerfec, GhostCodr, G_De_Sade, SknnyPupy, Waffles Manero, Railed, and DRiller, but not Vuh. Special thanks to Waffles for interface input. The wonderful producers of the unofficial Quake Specs. (Olivier Montanuy, Brian Martin, Rafael Quinet, John Wakelin, David Etherton, and Stephen Crowley) Ron Crisco for his great review on the website. The beta testers. The operator of for giving us a great website. All of the other Quake Editor Making People.