================================================================ Title : Swarming! Filename : SWARMING.WAD Author : Jason Email Address : Jason-Yasuko@ar.aix.or.jp Misc. Author Info : Addicted to DOOM. A regular on DWANGO-JAPAN so if you don't like these levels you can take it up with me and my Rocket-Launcher! Description : These are seven of my wads. They aren't supposed to be played consecutively as an episode, each one should be started with a pistol. Maps 05 and 06 are easy, the rest are very difficult and, except for 01, very long. Maps 03, 04 and 07 are the really difficult marathon levels but as in all the swarming levels the difficulty is with the amount of monsters not because of any mind boggling tricks or secrets. Additional Credits to : iD Software, and the author of evildog for demonstrating how to make those midgrate doors. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : DOOM II maps 01-07 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes(untested) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No(I hate it when people do that!) New Graphics : Interpic/Sky from Ultimate Doom New Music : Yes(Only 01 and 04 with DOOM1 stuff) Demos Replaced : All * Construction * Base : This is a grey area; the only level that was really based on another was level 06(psycho.wad). Maps 02 and 03 are from scratch but include many rooms that I pasted in from my favorite DOOM1 Wads while I was learning how to use DCK's great copy and paste utility. I have lost most of their text files so I don't know who to give credit to. The great stairs in map01 were borrowed from Demonaly.wad. Editor(s) used : DCK2.2 WARM (a great combination) Known Bugs : Well...let me see now. Oh! Well there are HOMs in the big room of 01 and it sometimes crashes due to visplanes overflow. The same goes for the room with the huge bridge like construction in 04. Map 03 is strange in that, near the end of the level when monsters are at the peak of their frenzy, they and things like trees and such sart winking in and out of existence. *WARNING* Map 04 is too big and may need a clean boot to run properly on slow systems like 486/66 (that's right these days everyone's got pentiums!) but more importantly you can't save games on it. So don't say I didn't warn you like some people I could mention... In light of the above mentioned bugs I would appreciate feedback on these levels especially on how to improve them. Any demos single or multiplayer would be appreciated and enjoyed. Thanx * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact, and if you want to include these levels in a CD compilation then let me know about it. I cannot be held responsible for any damage this file may do to your computer, health, professional or social life, and by using this file you thereby agree to be doing so at your own risk. P.S If anyone recognises some of their rooms in these levels and wishes to receive credit, e-mail me and I'll include you in the next versions. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites:You must know where you got it! BBS numbers: Other: