================================================================ Title : The Spawns Cave Filename : TSC.WAD Author : Nathan Iyer Email Address : Martak@ix.netcom.com MISC. Author info : A 13 year old, all A student living in New Jersey Additional Credits to : ID SOFTWARE ( where would I be...., without them? ) Coke-A-cola ( EVERYONE else puts this here so why not? Description : This wad takes place in a cave by the aliens. You have been told by Earth officials that they have located a patch of alien resistance in a huge cave which used to be a volcano and that the aliens have a top secret base inside the cave. You will be teleported inside the base, once inside you have been ordered to infiltrate the area and eliminate all the spawn you can, and hopefully finding and rescuing most of Marine hostages. If you can't, you have been ordered to terminate them. Earth officals warn you that some of the humans sided with the aliens during their takeover, and there MIGHT still be some around. Comment : I've seen a lot of WADS, and I think this wad ranks with some of the cooler ones. Some of the ROOMS are pretty big, this level is supposed to be part of a series. -the 1st level in a NEW one. ================================================================ * Play Information * A Wad for DOOM2! Level # : MAP01 - might want to turn down the music. Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes ( not tested ) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes ( not tested ) Difficulty Settings : Yes, all 5 New Sounds : no New Graphics : YES -modified imp, a hanging (shootable) Marine, a few textures, and one very, VERY deadly mari-uh enemie. New Music : no Demos Replaced : no * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build time : Not super SUPER long, so don't ask! Editor(s) used : Used Waded v.183 to build the map, and BSPx1.5 to build the nodes. RMB.30 made it faster and prevented a certain monster from blasting you inside out when your on a certain lift. Known Bugs : None -please, of course, TELL me if you find any! *NOTES* -When you delete TSC, USE THE BATCH FILE (delTSC.bat) and it will make a backup copy of the TSC.ZIP file called TSCZIP.BAK so you don't have to download it again the next time you want to play ( 'cause the original ZIP file gets deleted along with the TSC subdirectory -see below for further details. -Getting Started- PKUNZIP this file in the doom2 DIR. *WARNING* MUST BE C:\DOOM2 !!!!!! The zip file, TSC.zip, should have the following files: instaTSC.bat | delTSC.bat | TSC03.wad | A_NEWWAD.txt -just ignore runTSC.bat | TSC.wad | TSC02.wad | TSC.txt -this file |DEUSF.exe -To install use the batch files I included, they should work: instaTSC.bat -Installs TSC and makes a subdirectory in your c:\doom2 DIR. called TSC then it moves all the TSC related files to that DIR - see MANUAL INSTALL if this doesn't work. runTSC.bat -THIS FILE IS VARY IMPORTENT AND MUST (almost) BE USED!! delTSC.bat -deletes c:\doom2\tsc subdirectory and makes a Backup copy of TSC.ZIP called TSCZIP.bak, also restores doom2 to original state. ^ The last two files, BATCH files, STAY in your doom2 directory, so you don't have to go into the TSC subdirectory to run or delete TSC. -Please notify me if it is nessecary for the immediate construction of the next level, AND PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE ( ! ) give me feed back on my level! -Be merciful, put the captured, chained, and tortured Marines out of their misery. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT ( SORRY ) use this level as a base to build additional levels ( Since I AM ! ). You may, however, use it as an Inspiration and/or use some of my ideas. You MAY distribute this WAD, in any form, provided you include this file, with no modifications. If you intend to upload this wad elsewhere, please let me know. * OTHER WADS * SuperNova.wad Whitehot.wad LAB.wad -None of these are sequels to TSC.wad Spaceport.wad Pyramid.wad CHECK OUT OBTIC.WAD by TiC !! * WHERE TO GET THIS WAD AND OTHERS * Http://cdrom.com/pub/doom2/levels - or something like that. Just try cdrom.com and click on the free software link area. Once again, if you think this is the greatest single level in the world.... TELL ME! I will except NO responsablity for ANY damage done to your computer as a result of using my files. It is advised that you, first install a "clean" copy of doom2 IN A DIRECTORY CALLED c:\doom2 ( ! ) , and then make a backup of the doom2.exe file, for it will be edited! ***MANUAL INSTALLATION AND DELETEING*** -Use this section if your doom2 DIR is NOT C:\doom2 It is ALSO advised that you be DOS savvy, NOT that I have any reason to believe you wouldn't be, if you plan to do the manual installation. -and yes, I am 13 years old if you are now/still doubtful. STEPS 1. PKunzip TSC.zip into doom2 directory. 2. Make (md) a subdirectory called TSC 3. ! IMPORTENT ! rename (rename) your doom2.exe file to dm2exe.bak and rename TSC.exe to DOOM2.exe. Then type: Deusf -doom2 c:\{doom2DIR} -merge tsc02.wad tsc03.wad 4. copy (copy) all TSC unziped files into TSC directory + ZIP file -see "Getting Started" for nessecary files and their discription. 5. When in c:\doom2\TSC directory type: runTSC, to run TSC! 6. To delete TSC go into c:\doom2\TSC and type: COPY TSC.zip c:\doom2\TSCzip.bak .Then go to c:\doom2 and type: deltree TSC. Then restore doom2 by del -ing doom2.exe and renameing dm2exe.bak doom2.exe. TYPE: deusf -doom2 c:\{doom2DIR} -res doom2.wad - of course you could also just USE THE DELETE.BAT BATCH FILE! Hope you like my WAD!!! -Nathan Iyer The "lava area" is the BEST -Ray Selent