BtSearch is a product I developed because I had not found a quick and easy way to locate and edit Btrieve data from within Windows. I also wanted to be able to export the data to a spreadsheet, which I incorporated into the program. As always I would like to have your input as to how you would like to see this product enhanced. Any suggestions may be forwarded to my CompuServe ID# 102105,1172, Internet Also visit our WEB Page at: Also please report any bugs via my CompuServe ID#. To order BtSearch, print ORDER.TXT and complete and mail in. When payment is received you will receive an unlock code which will enable all functions. You may register via the CompuServe Shareware service. BtSearch Registration number 10817. If you have any problems getting BtSearch up and running please remember that I have not included the WBTRCALL.DLL file as I am not licensed to distribute it. I have not included VBRUN300.DLL as most of you already have this file. If you do not have it, it is available under the VBPJ FORUM in CompuServe. Also make sure you have made the additions to your WIN.INI/BTI.INI file as is brought out below. STEPS TO INSTALLATION: STEP 1: After unzipping the files create two icons in Windows to access Btsearch.exe, and Btsearch.hlp. STEP 2: If you have problems running the program check to see if you have the file BTI.INI. If not you can create the file based on the information in the BTIINI.WRI document. TIPS: I wrote the program to be as easy as possible with all point and click. But here are a few points to remember: 1) First change the DATA DICTIONARY list box to the location of your FILE.DDF, FIELD.DDF, INDEX.DDF. 2) Next change the DATA FILE list box to the location of the actual files that you want to access. 3) Double click on the file desired or you can use your arrow keys and press the key. 4) Select the fields by double-clicking or highlighting and pressing return. You can select them in any order that you would like to display them. You can also select all fields. SEARCHING: There are 3 ways to locate data. 1) Perform an Index search. Page up/back through records. Editing allowed 2) Binary Search any piece of data with editing: 3) Detailed query search. Editing allowed. 5) If you searched for specific data then you will see a grid of the fields that you selected with the records found that contain that data. You may edit your data from the grid. Insert, delete, or modify or print. 6) From the search grid you can select Print and you will get a report of the results from the grid. 7) Another useful function that can be performed from the search grid is the ability to send the retrieved data into a file that can then be imported into a spreadsheet such as Excel, or any program that imports DBF files or ascii text files. QUERIES: 8) You may save queries for later use. 9) If you place the query name (ie: xxxxxxxx.bts) after the program name on the Program Manager Icon the query will be initiated automatically (C:\BTSEARCH\BTSEARCH.EXE XXXXXXXX.BTS) EXPORT/IMPORT ASCII & DBASE STRUCTURE: 10) You may export retrieved data or the entire file to DBASE File structure. This then can be imported into various other programs for manipulation. 11) You may also export to ascii text format as well as tab delimited, which then can be imported into Excel. 12) To import select the file and fields that are contained in the file to be imported. Select the IMPORT Button on the second tab. Select the file to import. Then proceed with the import. These are just a few tips in using the program, but I believe you will find it very useful. See license.txt for information about registration as well as conditions attached with the use of BtSearch. The files contained within BTSEARCH.ZIP may only be used in connection with BTSEARCH.EXE.