------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE COMIC BOOK NET ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE - ISSUE NUMBER 77 Edited by: David LeBlanc [ComicBkNet@aol.com] ________________________________________________________________________ World Wide Web Page------>> http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o \o/ _ o _| \ / |_ o_ \o/ o /|\ | /\ _\o \o | o/ O/_ /\ | /|\ / \ / \ |\ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \ This publication is brought to you by the members of the premiere BBS network for the discussion of comics books and the people who create them, The ComicBook Network!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ComicBook Network was founded by Ed Dukeshire and Mike Imboden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you wish to receive each issue automatically through your Email account, please address a message to ComicBkNet@aol.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] On the Net ............................ David LeBlanc [2] Letters to the Editor ................. Your Page! TRIVIA CONTEST......................... Guesses & Answers [3] CBN Insider ........................... News, gossip, & rumors [4] In Memorium, Howard the Duck .......... Steve Gerber [5] NIGHTMAN coming to TV ................. PRNewswire [6] Name This Column ...................... Mike Imboden [7] REVIEW: Doctor Cyborg (Preview)........ David LeBlanc [8] DC CD-ROM Comics from Inverse Ink...... PRNewswire [9] JUST IN ............................... Justin Steiner [10] New Comic Book Releases List .......... Charles LePage [A] E-Mag Info: Submissions, Subscriptions, Back Issues, Copyrights [B] How to join ComicBook Network.......... BBS 101 [C] Bulletin Boards Linked into CBN........ CBN node list ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] On the Net by David LeBlanc It appears my appeal last week made it to Michael Depace and we have got the correct Email address now for our list; he may even contribute some reviews! New to the web page, some additions to LINKS and on the Home Page a link to an Events page, listing events in various regions of the country of interest to comic fans. The Links added to our LINKS page are to our very own Amateur Press Association (APA) run by co-founder Ed Dukeshire. Find it at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/eduke/apa.htm Another comic book collectors database link, this one for the MAC OS called ComicBase, has been added. I have updated the URL for Online Comics - they have a whole new look and lots of links to jump off to so check it out. At the bottom of the Home Page is a link to AOLPRESS which is a web creating software program I use for all my pages. It is WYSIWYG and pretty easy to use. Speaking of America Online, (were we?), a big thanks to Rembert who sorta keeps track of the goings on in the entire Science Fiction area of AOL, a big job! On Saturday last he gave this publication, Comic Book Net EMAG, the spotlight position on the main page entering the whole area. What does this mean? Well if you use Keywords to get around on AOL to find Comics discussion you could use Keyword:COMICS and jump to a page with 4 links to the paying comic related customers (DC, MARVEL, etc) with another small menu item to get to all the discussion group and the libraries where we upload our mag. That keyword is pretty new though. Prior to that the Keyword to use was: SCIENCE FICTION, and that link still works. Presumedly thousands of users who had used it all along would not change their menu. ANYWAY, using the Sci-Fi link you get to the Fictional Realm page which has all sorts of links to areas on AOL. The main ones are: TV, Movies, Books, Chat boards, and then 6 buttons to: Sci Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Mystery, and Interactive fiction. A pretty major page and a crossroad to lots of areas. The BIGGEST button on the page is what I call the spotlight and it links to a specific area somewhere in all those branches of the "Fictional Realm". The spotlight changes regularly - sort of a hot pick of the day. Saturday night WE had the spotlight which linked right to the Comics Libraries with issue #76 at the top of the list for downloads. It pays off too, we had 30 downloads in less than a day which is an amazing rate for this mag. A real popular issue might get close to 100 downloads over a couple weeks and most take a few days to get up to 50 but I don't think I ever saw 30 in less than a day. Many thanks to REMBERT who has always been helpful to me and this publication. Lots of info this issue, so let's get into it! David LeBlanc [ComicBkNet@aol.com] Editor The Comic Book Net Electronic Magazine ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] Letters to the Editor If you want to comment on this or any previous issue, want to offer something for us to publish, or just want to shamelessly suck up to the editor to try and get your name in print send Email to: ComicBkNet@aol.com Note: letters of comment, complete with the sender's Email address, may be used in future issues of the CBN E-Mag unless you specifically request us NOT to use them. Email address will be withheld upon request. +++++ From: KDresen To: ComicBknet Thanks for the great review of our book, Manya. I'm glad that you "got it." I think you captured and conveyed exactly what we were trying to do with "Falling." I also enjoyed the artistic comparisons. Rick Geary? I'm quite flattered by that one! An error in information that I gave you : our e-mail address is ManyaVP@aol.com. Whoops, I don't know where my head was when I wrote that down. My apologies. Anyway, thanks again and continued success. Kris Dresen [I am glad you sent it to me Kris, I would recommend it to anyone as a fine product. Please keep us up to date on new projects, and good luck.] +++++ Subj: Heroes Reborn From: mjackson@kerner.com (Mike Jackson) Just thought I'd throw in my two cents worth on the Fantastic Four and Captain America after reading comments from others in your latest issue. I'm 33, love the Lee/Kirby versions of the characters and have been dreading these new versions for months. I'm an old fart when it comes to my comics and I can't stand Image's stuff(the only Image books I read are Astro City and Big Bang Comics). So, I must admit that Jim Lee's Fantastic Four was not bad. The art is good(not my favorite cup of tea style-wise but good art, nothing to complain about though it's a bit weird to see Sue Storm looking like she should be a member of Gen13. The story was not bad either though I have two complaints. Johnny is made to be such a 'hothead' that he sometimes comes across like an ass, but maybe that's my age speaking. Wyatt Wingfoot though - what was that? If you completely change EVERTHING about a character, why give him the same name in the first place? It seems to be done just to piss off people like me. But anyway, I'm eating a little humble pie and admitting this is okay - so far. The Captain America book on the other hand is far worse than anything I could have imagined. I thought the art AND the story were terrible. How does Liefeld get paid to draw(if one can use the word 'draw')this junk? Marvel should be ashamed to put this junk out especially considering how fantastic the book had been in recent days with Mark Waid and Ron Garney at the helm. This is an embarassment and I certainly will not be buying any more issues until a new team gets on the book. +++++ [TRIVIA CONTEST] LAST WEEK'S TRIVIA QUESTION: >What were the circumstances of the death of Henry Pym's first wife? From: SSymco@aol.com Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 21:08:53 -0400 The Answer is: She was murdered by Soviet (?) agents while the two of them (Henry and his wife) were vacationing in Europe. He tried to save her, but he could not. He then vowed to avenge her death, crying out "With great power comes great responsibility" or "Excelsior!" or something like that (Just kidding about the last part). +++++ From: zodiac22@earthlink.net (Janice Bradford) To: ComicBkNet@aol.com Henry Pym's first wife was kidnapped by godless communists and then was mutated into a giant brain. Do I win? [SORRY, missed it by minutes!] +++++ The once again winner is an old friend who jumped on it for kicks. Well I got the prize off in record time, before he could refuse it but I am sure he can figure out some good use for it. DA WINNAH IS . . . From: bdh@deus.com (William de Haan) Deciphering a text in Pig-Dethek from David LeBlanc, we find: >THIS WEEK'S TRIVIA QUESTION: Oh, what the heck... >What were the circumstances of the death of Henry Pym's first wife? Let's see if I can do this one from memory, since my Marvel Premiers are six boxes deep in the closet at the moment... Ignoring the hiiiiidious retcons that took place later (yeurgh), Henry's original wife was a Czech ex-patriot who escaped to the west with her father. She insisted on going back to Czechoslovakia for their honeymoon, on the rationale that the Czechs would not try anything now that she was married to a famous American scientist. Wrong. She disappeared, and Henry was informed she'd been bumped off. Later retcons brought her back as a super villian, but I've pretty much managed to blot out the details. ________________________________________________________________________ William de Haan bdh@deus.com 905-281-3523 Voice 905-281-3524 Fax Deus Ex Machina Ltd., 3650 Kaneff Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario L5A 4A1 "No more tears now; I will think upon revenge." - Mary Queen of Scots. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THIS WEEK'S TRIVIA QUESTION: From: Janice Bradford Who is the inventor of adamantium? IMPORTANT RULES NOTICE: The first correct answer to reach the editor wins the CHEEZY PRIZE(tm). The editor will be the sole judge as to which guess arrived first! Please be sporting and send only one guess at a time. LIMIT: ONE PRIZE PER MONTH PER PERSON! Submit your own trivia and win the CHEEZY PRIZE(tm) if you can stump the readers! You MUST submit the correct answer with your question. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] CBN Insider - News, gossip and rumors from around the industry. Canadian Customs for Western Canada refused to allow copies of Big Blown Baby #1, created by Bill Wray, to enter the country, thus causing Diamond to recall all boxes and remove all copies of the 'contraband.' This action caused a one-day delay of all comic books into Western Canada. But the comic book has not been banned for all Canadians. In fact, Big Blown Baby made it through all of the Canadian Customs except those of Western Canada. This division exemplifies the inherent problem with censorship. "Censorship always comes down to a very basic principle," said Dark Horse publisher Mike Richardson. "You rely on the sensibilities of a single party to dictate what¹s appropriate for the greater populous." Big Blown Baby is scheduled to be a four-issue series. Dark Horse will endeavor to distribute copies of all four issues to Western Canada. Dark Horse Comics publishes the most diverse line of quality comics in the industry. -- Michael Winston *By Phone!: (503)/652/8815 x341 Internet Coordinator *Bye-mail!: michaelw@dhorse.com Dark Horse Comics, Inc. *Byweb!: http://www.dhorse.com/ +++++ Steven Grant reports that he and Mike Zeck, remember the Punisher mini?, are working on a crime comic called LAWLESS which will be published by HOMAGE in the near future. It will be about an ex-con carrying out a promise to a cell mate. +++++ In the interest of balance, a response to the news release by Chicago Comicon by Comic-Con International, and a rebuttal: From: glanzerd@aol.com (GlanzerD) Date: 13 Sep 1996 16:09:36 -0400 COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL AND THE "COMIC-CON" SERVICE MARK SAN DIEGO-For reasons unknown to us, Chicago Comicon, Inc. has initiated litigation against Comic-Con International On May 21, 1996, Chicago Comicon filed suit against Comic-Con International in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, a division of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Chicago Comicon, in its lawsuit sought to avoid the effect of the trademark examiner's decision that Comic-Con International's COMIC CON mark and application was acceptable for registration. In a recent press release, Chicago Comicon stated that national shows would be harmed by registration of the service mark COMIC CON and that they were using the litigation to stop Comic-Con International. In the same press release, Gary Colabuono, CEO of Chicago Comicon was quoted as saying "My partners and I find it incomprehensible that a nonprofit organization, founded on the principle of promoting the comics art form and its creators, would proceed with an action that's so obviously harmful to the comics community." A review of the records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office records shows that Chicago Comicon has itself laid claim to exclusive rights to the mark COMICON. Specifically, Chicago Comicon is the owner of Registration No. 1,708,599 for the mark "Chicago Comicon." Interestingly, Chicago Comicon disclaimed the exclusive right to use the term "Chicago" but maintained its claim to exclusive rights to the term "Comicon." In the documents initiating the litigation, Chicago Comicon stated that Chicago Comicon "will be injured and damaged in its continuing use of its COMICON service mark" by the actions of Comic-Con International. At about the same time Chicago Comicon filed its lawsuit against Comic-Con International claiming that registration was improper and would hurt the industry, Chicago Comicon filed yet another application to register a mark including the term "Comicon." Application Serial No. 75,110,114, which seeks to register CHICAGO COMICON and a design was filed on May 26, 1996. This filing came only five days after Chicago Comicon filed suit against Comic-Con International. Asked to comment, Fae Desmond of Comic-Con International said, "It was never our intention or goal to prevent Chicago Comicon from using their registered mark since we have told them that directly and through their attorneys, we fail to understand why they are suing us regarding our application. It seems contradictory for them to complain about our application while at the same time making assertions of exclusive rights in the term 'Comicon.' "We at Comic-Con International remain devoted to the comics and popular arts community and will continue to pursue resolving this issue by repeating that we do not have any intention to attack Chicago Comicon or their mark CHICAGO COMICON. We merely wish to take the recommended steps to prevent others from attacking our name." ------------- Chicago Comicon Responds to San Diego's Response For Immediate Release By Gary Colabuono Again we are disappointed by the actions of the Comic-Con International Committee. In their press release dated September 12, 1996 they insinuate that Chicago Comicon is trying to register the mark COMICON for our exclusive use. The facts are as follows: For our 20th anniversary show in 1995, Richard Bruning designed a new logo for us. Its the large "C" with "CHICAGO" and "COMICON" in caps within the "C" and the star in the center. Red, white, and blue. Everyone has seen it in all our literature and ads and we love it. Not being lawyers though, we didn't know we had to register the new logo art. We previously had registered the mark "CHICAGO COMICON". In 1995 we were not aware that we had to register it again until our lawyer pointed this out to us last May. In their release San Diego is indeed correct. On May 26, 1996 we did again register the mark and our new logo design for "CHICAGO COMICON". They are also correct in that we made no attempt to register "CHICAGO" or "COMICON" separately. We believe these terms to be descriptive and therefore unprotectable. Together though, they are the words that describe and identify OUR SHOW. And that mark we will and have been, protecting since we were granted registration No. 1,708,599 on August 18, 1992. We feel that San Diego is getting some very poor advice concerning this matter. We believe that San Diego Comic-Con or (Comic-Con International) has the exclusive rights to the name SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON. However we believe that Motor City Comic Con owns the exclusive rights to the name MOTOR CITY COMIC CON. Furthermore we also believe that Chicago Comicon has the exclusive rights to the name CHICAGO COMICON. Most strongly we believe no one owns or should own exclusive rights to the term COMIC CON or COMICON. That's why we're opposing San Diego's registration. If they are granted exclusive rights to COMICON, then they would control our name. We would need to obtain a license from them to use it legally. So would every other show in the country that uses or wants to use the term COMICON or COMIC CON. San Diego was correct in their release when they stated they would allow us to use our registered mark. But nothing in their release, or any documents we've seen, mentions any other comicons across the country. My partners and I, in all good conscience, could not and would not accept a separate peace in this matter. Why does San Diego continue to press their efforts to gain control of the term COMICON? This is a case they can't win. And the industry has another black eye to recover from. Rich Lukes, University Of Chicago, Sysrich@uchimvs1.uchicago.edu +++++ Ron Perelman, principle owner of Marvel Entertainment Group, has filed for divorce from Patricia Duff his wife of 21 months. Perelman, twice divorced already and worth some $4.1 Billion, is said to have found a concealed tape recorder on her person, though it was not turned on at the time, which ended any hope for reconciliation. +++++ From the Comic Cafe - Marvel and Crusade will be publishing a two issue crossover showing the first meeting of SHi and Daredevil. Part one from Marvel ships December 4th and part 2 from Crusade ships December 11. . . they have a rumor that Matt Wagner will leave Sandman Mystery Theater to do a Justice Society book. . . Chastity gets her own limited series spinning off from the last Evil Ernie mini from Chaos. +++++ Toy Biz will be adding another assortment of X-Men with Light-Up Weapons for Christmas to include Elektra Assassin and a new Wolverine version in his Tiger Shark costume. +++++ Stanhope, NJ-- Comic book publishers Sirius Entertainment, announced today that they have chosen to resume offering their products through other distributors, in addition to Diamond Comic Distributors. Starting with December products, which includes DAWN #5, Sirius titles will be available through some of the other distributors in the direct market. Back list items will be available immediately. Reacting to the expanding market for Sirius comics, graphic novels, posters, T-shirts and other items, the company has vowed to "do everything in our power to assure that anyone who wants to buy a Sirius product is able to get that product." In March of 1996, when Sirius went exclusive with Diamond Comic Distributors, Sirius' President Lawrence Salamone was quoted as saying that, "We will always take full responsibility for all aspects of our business, including distribution." In making the announcement today about resuming sales to other distributors Mr. Salamone re-iterated the company's commitment to an aggressive attitude about marketing of their products. "The ultimate fate of this industry is in the hands of the retailers and readers, not publishers and distributors. We have listened to their concerns and made them our own. People like to have choices, and we want them to be satisfied with where they choose to purchase our products. Diamond remains an excellent source for our products, but we recognize that retailers would like to make that decision for themselves." +++++ From this week's CSNsider in Comic Shop News #483, a lot of stuff we already told you about, plus . . . there will be a major costume change for Robin in the 1997 movie "Batman and Robin". It is also reported that Batgirl will have ties to Alfred and won't be Barbara Gordon . . . the Cable/Prophet crossover has been put on hiatus with no tentative date for reschedule. . . Warren Ellis will be writing the next Vampirella miniseries, "Vampirella Lives", beginning in December. . . in November the 30th anniversary Silver Surfer pewter and porcelain statue will be released, so will the Silver Surfer/Superman crossover by Perez, Lim and Austin. . . expect to see a trade paperback of Justice League: A Midsummer's Nightmare ($8.95) just in time to lead into the new ongoing series. . . "Bondage Fairies" moves from Antarctic Press to Fantagraphics beginning in November. . . speaking of November items for purchase, a Wolverine desk set with the claws as writing pens ($89.95) and a gold painted porcelain Christmas ornament ($39). . . and the Ultra X-Men: Wolverine trading cards will be out with an original story on the back. . . a report from Marvel, who did the adaptation, says that INDEPENDENCE DAY will become a new ongoing TV series, based on the movie, in 1997. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] In Memoriam, Howard the Duck Steve Gerber [Editorial Note: In 1978 Steve Gerber left Marvel and sued them for ownership of his creation, Howard the Duck. Marvel meanwhile used his creation in publications and stories by other authors. In 1985 the suit was settled out of court and Gerber was approached to pen a new #1 for another HTD series. That story never happened because Steve would not agree with changes wanted by the Marvel Editor in Chief. It was thus a big surprise when he announced this year that Howard the Duck would once again appear in a book at Marvel. It was an even bigger surprise a few months later when Gerber declared Howard "dead" with the details why posted to his web page. Here then is the *last* word on the Official end of Howard the Duck from: http://members.aol.com/htduck/ ] In Memoriam Howard the Duck (1974-1996) For those of you who surfed directly to this page, my name is Steve Gerber. I'm the writer who created Howard the Duck (the comic book, not the movie) and Destroyer Duck. A few months ago I posted this web page to celebrate Howard's return to comics. It has been revised to mourn his untimely passing. Howard does make a comeback in Spider-Man Team-Up #5, slated for release in early October. The story is written by me. The art (and it's outstanding) is by James Fry. I hope you'll read it. Unfortunately, Marvel Comics has seen fit to schedule three other Howard stories; one in Generation X, one in Ghost Rider, plus a Howard the Duck Christmas Special - all by other writers. I was totally unaware of these other stories when I agreed to write the Spider-Man Team-Up book. Had I known about them, I never would have agreed. Howard was a very personal creation. Every time another writer has worked on the character, the result has been a dismal failure, artistically and commercially. Even George Lucas couldn't get it right. Some characters simply need their creators. Marvel Comics seems unable or unwilling to grasp this concept. And since I don't have it in me to share and share alike where the duck is concerned, Spider-Man Team-Up #5 will, in all probability, be the last Howard story I ever write. As far as I'm concerned, Howard the Duck is dead. Which is why I really, really want you to read... SAVAGE DRAGON & DESTROYER DUCK #1 Also coming in October, from Image Comics! As you may already know, this book is a "companion piece" to Spider-Man Team-Up #5 (and vice-versa), but it's also considerably more than that. Trust me: If you're a fan of Howard or Destroyer, you do not want to miss this book. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] NIGHTMAN coming to TV PRNewswire HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Tribune Entertainment Company (TEC), TF1 International and Village Roadshow Pictures (VRP) announced today an international joint venture with the prominent producer Glen Larson for the development, production and distribution of a new television action drama series entitled "NIGHTMAN." The announcement was made today by Dick Askin, President and CEO, TEC; Francis Morel, Chairman & CEO, TF1 International and Jeffrey Hayes, President, Village Roadshow Pictures Television (VRPTV). Based on the popular super-hero character from Malibu comics, a division of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc., "NIGHTMAN" will be a 22-episode, live- action one hour weekly drama television series. Tribune Entertainment Company will distribute the program in the U.S., with TF1 International handling Continental Europe, and VRP selling to the rest of the world. Regarding the new project, Askin said, "We are delighted to be partnered on `NIGHTMAN' with such diverse companies as France's TF1 International and Australia's VRP, as well as with producer Glen Larson. This deal represents an innovative arrangement in which three different companies, located on three different continents, are dividing up both the development and production costs, in addition to the worldwide distribution rights, of a new series. This deal is representative of the new approaches to programming ventures that we intend to continue pursuing." TF1 International's Morel is also excited about the extraordinary team efforts that are coming together to ensure the success of this new series. Morel said, "This partnership symbolizes and validates TF1 International's dedication to being a true player in the international TV arena. This triumvirate is directly in line with our strategies and we are anxious to present such an exciting project to our European clients." Hayes of VRPTV said, "I am proud that VRP can be a part of this ground breaking deal. With Glen Larson's track record, talent and everyone's support, `NIGHTMAN' will surely be a hit series." "NIGHTMAN" is mysterious and edgy. "A cutting-edge comic book that belongs on television," said Larson. At MIPCOM, October 8, at 6PM on the Suquet Terrace, Level 4 of the Palais, TF1 International and VRP will host a press conference where Larson will reveal the true character of NIGHTMAN and all details concerning the series. "NIGHTMAN," a.k.a. Johnny Domino, is a teacher of music and a soul-mate to mainstream youth by day. By night, he is a sultry saxophone player and warrior against the forces of evil. Glen Larson's executive producer credit and logo at the end of a television show have long been synonymous with success. With some 26 multi- season "created by" TV series to his credit, few can rival his accomplishments, particularly with youth and action shows like "The Hardy Boys" and "Knight Rider." His talent also extends into sophisticated later night fare with hits such as "Quincy" and "Magnum P.I." Larson has developed, created, written and/or produced such other hit TV series as "The Six Million Dollar Man," "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century," "Battlestar Galactica," and "The Fall Guy," among many others. Tribune Entertainment Company, a subsidiary of the Tribune Company, develops, produces and distributes programming for television. Tribune is a leading information, entertainment and education company which publishes four daily newspapers, owns and operates nine television and five radio stations, provides educationally oriented products and services for the school and consumer markets and has an ownership interest in the WB Television Network. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] NAME THIS COLUMN by M!ke Imboden At the risk of sounding morbid or flip, is it just me or does anyone else find it slightly spooky that Mark Gruenwald died right when "Heroes Reborn" was about to kick off? It's as if the Marvel Universe's big guns all "died" and then one of (if not THE), big guns at Marvel dies. It's really weird the way things work sometimes I guess. Now, maybe if we have the Youngblood Team get caught in a massive explosion.... The response to the NAME THIS COLUMN contest has been pretty good. I didn't expect too much to be honest, but a handful of people have sent in some pretty good ideas making it hard to choose one as a winner. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to use the ones i have and rotate them week by week. Kinda like when Cat Yronwode has a different piece of art on her CBG column every time it runs, I'll just have a different NAME for mine. If I ever get one that really knocks me back and makes me say "This is it!" I will award the "Big" prize I had intended to send as part of a prize pack, but for now the following people will all get a packet of goodies sent to them for their contributions; Janice Bradford, Walt Stone, Richard Yum, Paul Morris, Jason Sacks, Keith Obrien and Michael Depace I need all of you to e-mail me a couple things; your street address, your age, and the type of comics you like most, (ie, just X-Men, all DC stuff, small press only, and so forth). That way I can (try to) tailor-make the prize packs. Prize packs.... Hmmmm. Dave has his Cheesy Prize (TM) for the trivia, I think I will call mine PRIZE PAKS (TM). So, the above people have all won PRIZE PAKS (TM). If you are interested in sending in a suggestion, feel free to do so (either to me or to the e-mag), and if I use it I will award you your very own PRIZE PAK (TM)! Next week we'll have our first winner's suggestion up top, so don't miss it! Did everyone catch the 90 minute prime time premiere of the animated Superman show a few weeks ago? I missed it, but did grab a copy of it at Wal-Mart last week and was very impressed. I'd have to give it a slightly lower rating than the Batman show, but that's mainly because I think that style of art looks better with a lot of darkness and shadows, not the pristine bright world of Metropolis. One thing that struck me immediately was how many different versions of Superman's origin we've seen. The basics are there in every one, but the way it's presented always varies. In this one we have a pretty high-tech sci-fi type of Krypton with a Hal-9000esque "Braniac" running things. The people showed emotions and Jor-El could kick some serious butt. In direct contrast was the ice-like world of Krypton and it's rather serious minded population in the first movie with Christopher Reeve. Then there's the Lois and Clark version, the comic version, and God knows how many in between. But, to borrow a phrase, I digress. I thought the voice casting was good and really enjoyed the overall feel of the whole thing. Superman hovering outside of Luthor's office at the end was great. "I'll be watching you" indeed. That about sums it up, I just need to buy some blank tapes. I went to the dentist the other day and had something like 473 cavities. It's a good thing I finally have some insurance to cover it. Just thought I'd share. One of the aforementioned "winners", Michael Depace, had this to say regarding my "review" of Rob Liefeld's CAPTAIN AMERICA; "I agree with your assessment of the new Capt. America. The art is kind of flashy but way too over stylized. I don't know why people think Liefeld is so great. After seeing his early work, what he has done in the industry, and hearing rumors about him I don't think he's cool at all. BTW, if you do a spell check on "Liefeld" it comes back with "Lifeless" Thanks for the comments, Mike. Nice to know that people are actually reading this drivel and not just bucking for some free comics and posters. Rumors? Do tell. :) Some random junk.... Is it just me or has the quality of the stuff coming from Milestone been slipping lately? I used to look forward to the new issues of STATIC and ICON, now they're just two more comics in my pile to read.... FINAL NIGHT has been interesting so far. I'm sure all of you Hal Jordan fans are pleased as punch to see that Gree-, I mean Parallax is returning from the "dark side". I just hope the ending isn't as much a letdown as the final issue of KINGDOM COME.... Norman Osborne. Remember that name. You'll be seeing him again soon, so sayeth my infalable Magic 8 Ball ("Is Norman Osborne behind this whole clone mess?" "All Answers Point to Yes"). Before I go I just wanted to hype one of CBN's other "spin-offs". It's an APA called NETWORKS: The CBN-APA. It's only requirements to join are that you can be reached via e-mail and you meet a MINAC (MINimum ACtivity), of 4 pages, 2 if you copy on both sides. For more info on joining a wacky bunch of fellas in putting out a quarterly jam of a wide variety of material, check out the APA's web page at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/eduke/apa.htm. That's it folks, I have dentist appointment to go to. (Send your column name suggestions as well as any comments or flames to M!ke at cambot@ix.necom.com" [minus the quotation marks]. ) -M!ke (cambot@ix.netcom.com) "...I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!" - Duke Nukem http://www.netcom.com/~cambot ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] REVIEW: Doctor Cyborg (Preview) David LeBlanc Writing: Allan Gross Art: Mark Wheatly, Marc Hempel, and Damon Willis Issue #1 (of 6) available November. Last time we ran the press release from Attention! Publishing about this upcoming product so I won't go too much into the details of the creators other than to say they have some impressive credits. The free preview has been circulating around conventions and will still be available at the Small Press Expo and the New York Comicon this year. I'll let you in on a little secret - there are "secrets" on the cover and "truth" inside the cover. To recap a little, this is the story told to Allan Gross by Susan Gittleman in a Georgetown bar about Doctor Malcom Syberg. The story told in clips follows his relation with Susan from a professor of cybernetics to doing work as a top civilian scientist for the military with an unlimited budget. A terrorist's bomb killed his two children and best friend, leaving the doctor crippled with a degenerating spine. This drives him to work even harder and the result is android technology way ahead of its time. This book will deal with conspiracies and secrets and so we find that the government wants to utilize the technology to perhaps build a utopia where no one could resist perfect android police, or the power in control. How he attempts to thwart that plan, to hold on to his secrets, while he still can function is the crux of the preview and the foundation for the series. They are billing this as a true story, fictionalized to protect the author and others from censure, lawsuits or even physical harm. The truth is disguised much in the manner that certain secrets of the Bible and Shakespeare's works are revealed if you know what to look for, and how. They have even provided a puzzle on the cover, easy to decipher if you put your mind to it. :) Since this basically sets the premise for the series it serves to entice you into wanting to see what happens next, and more detail on what is going on. The artwork is a terrific black and white that uses greys to bring it to life rather well. I had almost forgotten the series I had read and enjoyed so long ago by Wheatly and Hempel; MARS. Like the experience then I once again became enthralled with the style and by the end of the book it had captured me completely. I think this one will be worth checking out since the art is solid and the premise, though presented a bit thick as "too true not to be believed" is, at least on the surface, a pretty good tale of intrigue, science fiction and frightening possibilities all rolled into one. If you choose to suspend your doubt even further, there is another whole level of entertainment awaiting you. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] DC CD-ROM Comics from Inverse Ink PRNewswire Inverse Ink Ships Four New DC Comics Based Titles MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Sept. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- A cry for help goes out across the nation's airwaves at the sight of alien invaders... The world's most impregnable bank vault on the thirty-ninth floor of the Gotham Building is sucked dry... The Daily Planet's annual company baseball game is interrupted by a lower world creature seeking a new queen... The earth's oceans are threatened with extinction by a strange suction device... So begin these CD-ROM comic books starring the world's favorite super heroes. Superman: The Mysterious Mr. Mist Format: Windows and Macintosh Batman: Partners in Peril Category: CD-ROM Comic Book Aquaman: War of the Water Worlds Estimated Street Price: $9.99 each Superboy: Spies From Outer Space Availability: Now! Inverse Ink, a Division of TAO Research Corporation, today is proud to announce that it has begun shipping its new line of CD-ROM comic books with four titles starring DC Comics super heroes. Now, a click of the mouse brings the characters to life as Superman, Batman, Aquaman and Superboy bring their adventures to animated computer comic books. Every panel of Inverse Ink's CD-ROM comics deliver multimedia action. Nearly half the panels reveal full motion animation. The remaining panels contain hotspots that, when clicked, reveal exciting hidden graphics and animation. Each unique interface is specialized according to the title's theme, and allows the user to be in control of narration, music and page destination. Based on DC Comics' classic animated television series from the late 1960s, the new products have many cutting-edge features in addition to the animated panels. These features include an autoplay which allows the user to watch the story play completely through automatically. All new music, folders that provide plot clues and an overall updated nineties feel accentuate the already strong appeal of these super heroes to both comic and computer fans alike. "We tried to make these titles as appealing as possible to all ages," says Dr. Lingtao Wang, president of Inverse Ink. "They are nostalgic because they are the classic characters, but these are new products in a new medium. We think anyone who likes comic characters and quality CD-ROMs will enjoy these comic book titles." These new multimedia comic books have an expected retail price of $9.99 and are shipped in packaging that will look like a comic book. Inside, a hybrid CD-ROM supports both Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Macintosh 7.0 formats. This allows any particular disc to be played on most personal computer systems with a CD-ROM drive. Establishing a New Market These titles mark the beginning of a new strategy for Inverse Ink. The company, which in the past produced titles one at a time, is now going to be shipping titles only in groups of four to establish and grow the CD-ROM comic book market. "We are very proud to start this new era with the Superman and Batman characters," added Dr. Wang. "The team we have in place has shown their creativity through these titles," says Executive Producer Greg Armanini of Inverse Ink. "There is something very appealing about the kind of software that makes you laugh, or feel nostalgic, or makes you think and enjoy the time you spend using it. Comics and cartoons have been doing that for decades, now we're offering a unique combination of both." In the future, the company will be releasing many more titles with a combination of new and classic properties in an effort to offer something to everybody. Another group of four titles will be shipped before the holiday season. Inverse Ink, a division of TAO Research Corporation, is a developer and publisher of multimedia comic books for Windows and Macintosh computers. The company brings comic books to life through a process that morphs comic art panels to live action video or animation. The products are available nationally through major distributors, retailers and mass merchants, as well as comic book stores. DC Comics, based in New York City, is one of the world's leading comic book publishers, whose roster of world famous characters includes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and many others. Features Summary: * Panels spring to life with animation. * Multimedia action in every panel. * Hidden folders provide plot clues. * All new musical soundtrack. * Complete stories with a wide appeal, from kids to adult comic fans. * Features animation from classic TV cartoons of the 1960's. System Requirements: both formats on a single disc! Windows CD-ROM Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 IBM or 100% compatible 486/33 MHz required 8 MB RAM required 2x CD-ROM drive MS/PC DOS 5.0 or higher Super VGA display 256 colors, 32K recommended MPC compliant sound card, mouse Macintosh CD-ROM Mac II or higher recommended 8 MB RAM required 2x CD-ROM drive System 7.0 or higher Quicktime 2.0 Mac 14" monitor w/256 colors Mouse Note: Superman, Batman, Superboy and Aquaman and all related elements are registered trademarks of DC Comics. (C)1996 All Rights Reserved. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] JUST IN by Justin Steiner I'm a little cranky this week. The Chicago White Sox are letting the play offs slip away, the Chicago Bears are 1-2 with an anemic offense, and there's still no sign of the first issue of KURT BUSIEK'S ASTRO CITY (second volume). Thankfully, I've been able to read some cool comics and I'd like to share one with you this week. I'd also like to remind everyone once again that if you wish to send comics (or photocopies) for me to review, my address is: Justin Steiner 910 Chicago St. Valparaiso, IN 46383 CUD COMICS #5 $2.95. 24 pgs. Written and illustrated by Terry LaBan. Published by Dark Horse Comics, 10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222. CUD creator Terry LaBan has had a high profile in the comics industry over the last year. He wrote the latest arc of GRENDEL TALES (from Dark Horse), "Devil May Care," and was tapped to write the opening story arc of THE DREAMING (from Vertigo/DC), producing a wonderful tale titled "The Goldie Factor." And he's also continuing his fantastic work on CUD COMICS. CUD is an anthology title of sorts, which means that we can read about any of a number of LaBan's characters, such as Muktuk Wolfsbreath or Mickey Pimple, Teen Adventurer. And each issue brings at least one episode of "Eno and Plum," who are featured on the covers. As you can probably gather from the characters' names, this book is intended for humor and satire. LaBan underscores this by using an evocative cartoony style and filling his backgrounds with visual gags. He easily captures the flavor of his stories, be they set in the past or in the present day slacker scene of "Eno and Plum." This issue leads of with Eno and Plum in "The Old Folks At Home." The story begins with the pair evicted from their apartment. Neither one wants to get a job, so they go off to live with Eno's parents. However, the house is already full (and Eno's old room is rented out to some interesting people), so Eno and Plum end up living on the floor of the garage. From there, the situation gets even more ridiculous as Eno's father hits on Plum and the house gets raided by the police. This is followed by "Most Girls Like Dick," a two-pager set in 1896. The story proves that cross-dressing existed long before the talk shows of today. Every issue, LaBan includes a short story starring himself accompanied by some spot illustrations. This one, titled "Deadline," finds our action-hero cartoonist attempting to take down terrorists and meet his artistic deadline. LaBan also stars in "Sparky and Me," an hilarious send-up of Charles Schultz (creator of "Peanuts"). He has obviously been paying attention to the comic strip and hits the nail right on the head in regards to its state these days. Finally, Plum's dad, Seymour Riverpeace, stars in "Are We Recovering Yet?" Seymour is hopelessly addicted to pot (a fact that his daughter and her boyfriend don't mind at all) and he ends up getting in trouble with the law. Forced to go to "Marijuana Anonymous," Seymour learns the error of his ways until he runs across a meeting of "Recovery Anonymous." Also included in this (and every) issue is a small strip called "The Adventures of Eno and Plum's Cat." These vignettes are wonderfully funny, though you probably have to own cats to appreciate them fully. And to top off the whole comic, LaBan includes mini-reviews of small press titles. He's a creator who obviously loves the comics medium and embraces its diversity. Terry LaBan creates engaging characters and lets them interact, creating results full of humor and satire. If you're looking for a comic to laugh out loud to, CUD COMICS should be high on your list. Justin Steiner jsteiner@netnitco.net ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] New Comic Book Releases List by Charles LePage ncrl@fair.net NCRL: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, September 25, 1996, compiled by Charles LePage. This is the *preliminary* list and is not complete. The completed list is posted weekly, usually Monday evening, at rec.arts. comics.info, http://www.america.net/~cslepage/ncrl.html, and Compuserve's Comics Publishers Forum. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. "TPB" means "trade paperback". "AA" means "available again". "S/N" means "signed/numbered". PUBLISHER TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABERRATION Tales From The Bog #4, 2.95 ACCLAIM Gravediggers #3 (of 4), 2.95 ARCHIE Archie #454, 1.50 Jughead With Archie Digest #130, 1.79 Veronica #58, 1.50 ART&SOUL Tug & Buster #5, 2.95 BIG I-Bots #6, 2.25 BLACK EYE Sands #2, 2.50 BONGO Simpsons #24, 2.25 CLAYPOOL Elvira #40, 2.50 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #484, free Comic Shop News Fall Preview, free CRUSADE Atomik Angels #3 (of 4), 2.95 Thundergod #2 (of 4), 2.95 Tomoe/Witchblade: Fire Sermon #1, 3.95 Who Is The Crooked Man #1 (of 4), 3.50 DARK HORSE Adventures Of The Mask #9, 2.50 Barb Wire: Ace Of Spades #4 (of 4), 2.95 Blade Of The Immortal Conquest #3, 2.95 Body Bags #1 (of 4), 2.95 Decade Of Dark Horse #3 (of 4), 2.95 Hellboy: Wake The Devil #4 (of 5), 2.95 Nexus: Executioner's Song #4 (of 4), 2.95 DC Amalgam Age Of Comics DC Comics Collection, 12.95 Artemis Requiem #6 (of 6), 1.75 Batman: Haunted Knight TPB, 12.95 Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight #88, 1.95 Birds Of Prey: Manhunt #3 (of 4), 1.95 Catwoman #39, 1.95 Dhampire: Stillborn, 5.95 Essential Vertigo: Swamp Thing #1, 1.95 Final Night #4 (of 4), 1.95 Flash #119, 1.75 Gon #4 (of 4), 5.95 Hardware #45, 2.50 Hellblazer #107, 2.25 Hitman #8, 2.25 Legion Of Super-Heroes #86, 2.25 Robin #35, 1.95 Spectre #47, 2.25 Starman Annual #1, 3.50 Superboy & The Ravers #3, 1.95 Superman: Man Of Steel #62, 1.95 Takion #6, 1.75 Teen Titans #2, 1.95 Total Justice #3 (of 3), 2.25 Vermillion #2, 2.25 Vertigo Verite: Unseen Hand #3 (of 4), 2.50 Wonder Woman #115, 1.95 DIAMOND Previews Catalog Vol. VI #10, 2.75 EL CAPITAN Stray Bullets #8 (AA), 2.95 EVENT 22 Brides Married To The Mob #3 (of 4), 2.95 FANTAGRAPHICS Frank #1, 2.95 GOBLIN Goblin Lord #1 (of 6), 2.50 HOMAGE Astro City Vol. II #1, 2.50 Leave It To Chance #1, 2.50 I BOX Thieves & Kings TPB #1, 12.00 IMAGE Backlash #24, 2.50 Blindside #2, 2.50 Brass #1 ("folio" edition), 4.50 Defcon 4 #4, 2.50 Glory/Celestine: Dark Angel #1 (of 3), 2.50 Newmen #21, 2.50 Savage Dragon #31, 2.50 Shattered Image #2, 2.50 Spawn Bible #1, 1.95 Supreme #42, 2.50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3, 1.95 KITCHEN SINK From Hell #10, 4.95 KRAUSE Comic Buyer's Guide #1194, 2.95 MARVEL 2099: World Of Tomorrow #3, 2.50 Avengers #1 (Heroes Reborn), 2.95 Disney Comic Hits #13, 1.50 Elektra #1, 1.95 Magneto #1, 1.95 Marvel Fanfare #3, 0.99 Marvel Vision Catalog #12, 1.25 Sensational Spider-Man '96 #1, 2.95 Silver Surfer #122, 1.50 Spectacular Spider-Man #240, 1.50 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #1, 1.95 Star Trek: Voyager #1, 1.95 Venom: The Hunger #4, 1.95 Wolverine #107, 1.95 X-Force #60, 1.95 X-Men: Pryde & Wisdom #3, 1.95 X.S.B. #1, 1.95 MAXIMUM Avengelyne #6, 2.99 Battlestar Galactica: Journey's End #2 (of 4), 2.99 SCARLET ROSE Variations On The Theme #4, 2.75 SLAVE LABOR Pirate Corp! Hectic Planet #5 (3rd printing), 2.75 TOPPS Hercules The Legendary Journeys #4, 2.95 X-Files #22, 2.95 VIZ Adolf Vol. IV: Days Of Infamy Hardcover, 21.95 Ranma 1/2 Part V #10 (of 12), 2.95 Rumic World Trilogy Vol. I, 15.95 Sanctuary Part V #7 (of 13), 3.50 ZEN Manga Zen #2 (resolicited), 2.50 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A] E-Mag Info: Submissions, Subscriptions, Back Issues, Copyrights SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any ComicBook Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN:E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the ComicBook Net, submit your articles for consideration to the editor at: ComicBkNet@aol.com Reviews of mainstream books are least likely to get included when submitted from sources outside of CBN, but are not excluded off hand. We give more consideration to reviews of indies and self published material as we feel that material deserves more exposure to the general public. If You write intelligent, coherent, and timely reviews of anything it will almost always be printed so give us a shot. Commentary on the state of the industry, and personal observations and reflections related to comics are *most* likely to be included in our publication. We also accept product for review purposes. Advanced copies of comic books will not be returned but anything sent to us will be reviewed in the ComicBook Net Emag. Send all material to: David L. LeBlanc 84 Heather Circle Jefferson, MA 01522-1419 SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive each issue automatically through your Email account, please address a message to ComicBkNet@aol.com to be placed on the subscription list. THE CBN WEB PAGE http://members.aol.com/ComicBkNet ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index and all back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the ComicBook Net, and other neat features like newly released comic book graphics, links to Jeff Mason's lists of Comic Book Company addresses and Comic Professionals Email addresses, plus other Comic Book related Web pages! LOCATING EMAG ISSUES -------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The ComicBook Network. You can also find the back issues at America Online, by going to Keyword: COMICS, then choose the menu item _Comic Book Forum_ and then going to the _Comics Library_ from there. Most issues should also be available on Compuserve, Genie, Channel1 BBS and Software Creations BBS as well as other non CBN affiliated Bulletin Board Systems. All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. COPYRIGHTS ---------- The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published by the many participants of The ComicBook Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. Some articles are independent of any connection with CBN and are used with permission. All text contained within is copyrighted to the originating author(s). Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Editor, the Network Administration Team or the members and users of The ComicBook Network. Except where elsewhere noted, The Comic Book Net Electronic Magazine (CBEM) is Copyright 1996 by The ComicBook Network. You may freely distribute or duplicate this file intact without alteration for noncommercial purposes only. Please do not distribute except as the complete file as originally transmitted by The ComicBook Network. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B] How to join the COMIC BOOK NETWORK (CBN) You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occur in the conferences of the ComicBook Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the continent and the world, many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the ComicBook Network... There are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general conversation, collecting, gaming and other forms of entertainment. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explanation in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are free to download from most BBS's. I recommend SLMR or OLX-TD for DOS to get started. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN $.75! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? There are plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [C] BBSes Linked into CBN Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMIC BOOK NETWORK F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB -- ARKANSAS ------------------------------------------------------------ F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood Conway PC Users Conway AR 501-329-7227 Tim Stone -- CALIFORNIA ---------------------------------------------------------- Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla -- FLORIDA ------------------------------------------------------------- F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell F Steel Dog Cafe Destin FL 904-654-1631 Keith Schultz Ghost's Realm Crestview FL 904-689-6664 Kie Dorton Q Oak Street BBS Ft.Wayne Beach FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer -- ILLINOIS ------------------------------------------------------------ -- INDIANA ------------------------------------------------------------- -- KENTUCKY ------------------------------------------------------------ Lex Corp Georgetown KY 502-867-0992 -- MARYLAND ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Vampyre Bar! Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Darryl Pierce F DataStorm Kettering MD 301-390-5243 Tarek Gordan F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin F Womens World East BBS Silver Spring MD 301-431-0647 Wendy Dumser F Sherata's Realm Mechanicsville MD 301-884-9732 Linda Peek -- MASSACHUSETTS ------------------------------------------------------- F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine B* Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson -- MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------------------------ F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio -- MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Oan Citadel Grandview MO 816-767-1488 Brian J. Stewart -- NEW HAMPSHIRE ------------------------------------------------------- F Venom's World Rollinsford NH 603-743-4188 Ira Locke -- NEW JERSEY ---------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix Modernz Systems Seaside Hts. NJ 908-830-8265 Tal Meta -- NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------ B Asgard TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton Interzone BBS Long Is. City NY 718-786-5557 Jim Garvin F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun -- NORTH CAROLINA ------------------------------------------------------ F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjen F Federal Post Spring Lake NC 910-436-2055 Frank Koza -- OKLAHOMA ------------------------------------------------------------ F Beggar's Forum Oklahoma City OK 405-787-2540 Lonnie Johnson Compumate Tulsa OK 918-628-0887 Danny Pelletier F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett F The Dreaming World Broken Arrow OK 918-451-3056 Greg Adkins -- PENNSYLVANIA -------------------------------------------------------- F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-365-5225 William Horton -- TENNESSEE ----------------------------------------------------------- F The Factory BBS Union City TN 901-885-9647 -- TEXAS --------------------------------------------------------------- B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown -- VIRGINIA ------------------------------------------------------------ B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald -- WASHINGTON ---------------------------------------------------------- F Longview On-Line! Longview WA 360-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon Alpha's Attic Tacoma WA 206-272-8083 Robert Richards Area 51 Tacoma WA 206-538-9435 Paul Powloski -- ONTARIO, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------- F Dark Knight BBS London ONT 519-850-9929 Michael Cross F MACH 1 BBS London ONT 519-457-6771 Tomasz Heiber Stargate:Above & Beyond London ONT 519-472-4938 Paul Nicholas -- MEXICO -------------------------------------------------------------- B* The Gate BBS Mexico City 52-5-264-2994 Emilio Karam - From USA, dial international-access 011 then 52-5-264-2994# ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of another Issue .. see ya in the funny papers!! "not going to cripple me...you big blue..." BOOM!