+=========================================================================+ | | | VQuilt (tm) | | | | A Computer Program For Quilt Design, Visualization, and Construction | | | | Demonstration Version 1.0 | | | | (c) Copyright 1994 Computer Systems Associates | | | +=========================================================================+ Welcome! -------- Due to the numerous requests that we have received in repsonse to our initial product announcement, Computer Systems Associates is making available a demonstration version of VQuilt. This demonstration version is complete and functional with the following exceptions: 1. You cannot save anything to disk. 2. You cannot print anything. 3. You can only load blocks and quilts distributed with the demo. 3. The complete patchwork block library is not included. 4. The documentation is abbreviated. Working with VQuilt is fun and creative .. at least we hope that you find it so while working with this demonstration version! If you have problems with this demonstration version or think that you have found a bug (Out Damned Spot!) please let us know immediately. VQuilt has been tested extensively . We have attempted to make it as robust as possible but, having been in the systems business for a while, we always maintain a healthy dose of skepticism! Warmest Regards, Sarah Hisley Archive Contents ---------------- This demonstration program is distributed as two files: DEMOVQLT.TXT - The file that you are currently reading. DEMOVQLT.EXE - The acutal self-extracting demonstration archive. If you redistribute the VQuilt demonstrator please include both the files listed above. Thank You! Hardware Requirements --------------------- VQuilt requires the following hardware environment: 1. Any 100% IBM-compatible personal computer from a 286 on up. Performance is a relative issue. VQuilt runs quite well on a 286, and clicks right along on faster machines. 2. 550KB Conventional memory, miminum. The more free program memory that you have, the happier VQuilt will be. EMS memory or XMS memory is REQUIRED if you wish to print oversized templates. 3. VGA display adapter and VGA color monitor. 4. Microsoft-compatible mouse. Both serial and bus mice are supported. 5. 1 megabyte of hard disk space for the program code and libraries. 1 megabyte of hard disk space for swap space. VQuilt is very dynamic and will perform virtual paging if it has to. Software Requirements --------------------- VQuilt requires the following software environment: 1. MSDOS 3.0 or greater. 2. VQuilt will run quite well under Micrsoft Windows in a DOS box. Warning: A word about mouse support. Frequently people will say, "I loaded your program, but it doesn't recognize my mouse! I know that my mouse is OK because it works when I run Microsoft Windows!". VQuilt is a native MSDOS program. In order for it to recognize a mouse, a MSDOS mouse driver must be installed. Windows is a monolithic environment that contains its OWN mouse driver that is only present when Windows is running! If your mouse does not seem to be working with VQuilt please make sure that you have a MSDOS mouse driver loaded! An MSDOS mouse driver must be loaded even if you are running VQuilt under Windows in a DOS box. Installing VQuilt! ------------------ This on-line demonstration version of VQuilt is distributed in the form of a self-extracting archive. To install VQLTDEMO please perform the following steps: 1. Copy DEMOVQLT.EXE to the ROOT directory of the hard disk that you wish to be the recipient of the VQuilt demo. 2. Execute the DEMOVQLT.EXE program by typing: DEMOVQLT [Enter] ... on the MSDOS command line. DEMOVQLT.EXE is a self-extracting archive. Although the full release version of VQuilt has separate sub-directories to hold blocks and quilts, everything required to run VQLTDEMO is contained in the single \VQLTDEMO subdirectory. Running VQuilt! --------------- ************************************************************************ * * Important Note: * * Please take a moment to read through the documentation supplied * with this demo. It contains important information that will make * your use of the program easier and more enjoyable. * * In particular ... when you draw 'pieces' in VQuilt, you are creating * 'objects'. In order for VQuilt to handle an object, it must be * 'complete'. For example, if you are want to draw a triangle you * must start at a point, draw three sides, and wind up back at the point * at which you started! When you first start drawing a piece, VQuilt * will display a small circle to indicate where you started. To * 'complete' the piece, the LAST POINT you click MUST be the SMALL * CIRCLE .. WHEN YOU COMPLETE A PIECE, THE STARTING CIRCLE WILL * DISAPPEAR! * * TO ENSURE THAT YOU DO COMPLETE PIECES, VQuilt WILL NOT LET THE MOUSE * CURSOR OUT OF THE DRAWING AREA UNTIL THE STARTING CIRCLE HAS * DISAPPEARED! * * We point this out because it can be a little disconcerting when * you think that the cursor is stuck. There is no need to reboot * your computer! The solution is to simply click on the starting * circle and make it go away! * ************************************************************************ Change Directory (CD) to the VQLTDEMO directory. To run the demo simply type VQLTDEMO [Enter] ... at the MSDOS command line. Again, please read the file VQLTDEMO.DOC that was archived with this version of VQuilt. The time will be well spent and will enhance your use of the program. IMPORTANT: Please note that the name of the acutal VQuilt Demonstrator is VQLTDEMO ... not to be confused with the name of the self-extracting archive, DEMOVQLT!