This disk contains several files dealing with making and purchasing clothes for your concrete lawn goose. The pattern is designed to fit the large size goose which is usually approx. 24 - 28 inches tall. Let me take a moment to explain the files you will find on the disk: INSTRUCT.PCX This is a graphic file that contains the instructions for making the basic dress for you goose. You can view it and/or print it from any graphics program or desktop publishing program that uses .pcx graphics. PATTERN.PCX This is the actual pattern file. Again it is a .pcx graphics file and can be viewed and printed from any graphics or desktop publishing program that uses .pcx files. The pattern was created in Neopaint so will print out the actual size if you are using that program. Other programs view and print .pcx files in different sizes, so you will need to check your print out against the actual pattern sizes. Be sure the pattern prints out to about 8 inches long, 5.5 inches wide at the bottom, and 1 3/8 inches wide at the top.) For instance, if you are using Graphics Workshop in Windows you will need to print the pattern at 300 percent size. If you are using Paintbrush in Windows you will need to print the pattern at 175 percent size. Other programs you will have to experiment with to get the correct size. If you don't have a program that will print it the correct size and would still like to try out the pattern, just send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a request for the computer Goose pattern to the address below and we will be happy to send you a free paper copy of this pattern. ORDER.TXT This is a text file that lists all patterns, and ready made clothes which are available for purchase from us. This file can be printed from any word processing program. Files that end in .EXE -- These are actual photos of a goose wearing some of the creations made by the author of this program. There are many more items available, but if you have never seen a dressed goose, these will give you an idea of what the well-dressed concrete goose should look like. Just type the name of the file and the photo will appear on your computer monitor. Hit any other key and it will disappear. (You must have a SVGA monitor that will view 256 colors to see these photos.) DONNER'S COUNTRY CRAFTS P. O. Box 158 Hamersville, OH 45130