"GAZILLIONAIRE DELUXE SHAREWARE" HOW TO INSTALL: 1) Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware is a Windows game. It is designed to run under both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. 2) Before installing Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware, we recommend that you close down all other applications and restart Windows. Make sure to check that no other programs are running. We've found that 99% of all errors occur during installation because a memory resident program interferes with the installation process. 3) Run SETUP.EXE (Don't worry about SETUP.W02, SETUP.W03 & SETUP.W04. As long as they are in the same directory, they will automatically be installed onto your system.) 4) After installing the game, you may delete SETUP.EXE, SETUP.W02, SETUP.W03 & SETUP.W04 or copy them to floppy disks and give them to a friend. If you could place GAZ.ZIP on your web site and make it available to everyone for downloading, we would appreciate that very much. Thanks! 5) Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware should install without any problems. If you have any trouble installing or running the game, be sure to read the MOST COMMON ERRORS section below. If this doesn't help, you may email our technical support team at support@lavamind.com HOW TO DOWNLOAD: 1) If you haven't already downloaded a copy of Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware, you can always download GAZ.ZIP (the Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware) from any of the following web sites: http://www.lavamind.com/download.html http://www.zapitalism.com/download.html http://www.gazillionaire.com/download.html 2) Check to make sure the size of GAZ.ZIP is correct. If it is less than the size specified on the download site, your file was probably corrupted during the download process, and you must download the file again. 3) Using WINZIP or PKUNZIP, unzip GAZ.ZIP into a temporary directory. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 33Mhz 486 or faster 8 MB RAM 12 MB hard disk space Sound Card (Optional) GRAPHICS WARNING: The graphics look best if you are running in Super VGA graphics mode 640x480 256 colors. If your screen resolution is not set at 640x480, the game may not function properly. If you run the game and the images do not contain hundreds of colors, then you are probably running in 16-color mode. To switch graphics drivers in Windows 3.1, double click on the MAIN program group, double click on WINDOWS SETUP, then select the appropriate 640x480 256 color graphics driver for your system. In Windows 95, go to MY COMPUTER, then CONTROL PANEL, then DISPLAY, then set the DESKTOP AREA to 640 by 480 pixels. If you have any trouble, you should contact your computer manufacturer and ask if your graphics card can support Super VGA graphics. If you have any difficulties, contact your computer manufacturer's technical support. They should help you install the necessary graphics drivers. MOST COMMON ERRORS: The installation routine copies several .VBX and .DLL files into your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. If you already have these files installed, there may be a conflict with older or newer versions. If you have older or newer versions of these files already on your hard drive, the older or newer versions may not be compatible with the versions required for Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware. If you encounter any problems installing or running Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware, the easiest solution is to go to the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and rename (or remove) the problem .VBX and .DLL files yourself, then try re-installing Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware. Here are three easy steps: 1) Go to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. 2) Check to make sure the dates of the files listed below are the same as the dates of the files in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. 3) If you find any files with different dates, simply rename (or remove) those files, then re-install Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware. file: graph.vbx date: 4/28/93 file: grid.vbx date: 4/28/93 file: gsw.exe date: 4/28/93 file: gswdll.dll date: 4/28/93 file: mci.vbx date: 4/28/93 file: mciaap.drv date: 9/11/92 file: mciwave.drv date: 11/1/93 file: spin.vbx date: 4/28/93 file: threed.vbx date: 7/16/93 file: vbrun300.dll date: 5/12/93 file: vsvbx.lic date: 10/26/94 file: vsvbx.vbx date: 11/6/95 OUT OF MEMORY: If you are playing Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware and the images fail to display or you get the error OUT OF MEMORY, you are most likely running out of memory. A simple solution is to restart Windows and make sure that any other applications which may use up memory are shutdown. If you are running Windows 3.1, you can increase your computer's VIRTUAL MEMORY (or SCRATCH DISK). This will allow your system to use the hard disk as additional memory. This is a great way to add an additional 20 MB of memory without buying more RAM. The only problem is that Virtual Memory is not as fast as RAM, and the animation may seem a bit sluggish. If you don't know how to increase your Virtual Memory, read your Windows manual or consult with your computer manufacturer. If you are running Windows 95, you have no control over the Virtual Memory. Win 95 will take care of this automatically. SOUND CARD PROBLEMS: This game is designed to take advantage of superior quality 16 bit WAV files. If you have an older 8 bit sound card, the sound may not function properly, and the sound should be switched OFF. We tested Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware on a dozen different sound cards and didn't encounter any problems. However, because sound cards are notorious for causing conflicts depending on the system configuration, we cannot guarantee that the sound feature will work with every system. Even if you have a Sound Blaster 16 or compatible sound card, the music and sound effects may not play back properly depending on your system configuration and hardware. If you have problems with the sound, you should contact your sound card manufacturer. If your hardware manufacturer cannot solve the problem, you should simply switch off the sound. We made sure to design this game to be played with or without sound. In other words, sound is not required to play the game. GRAPHICS DRIVER PROBLEMS: After testing Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware on dozens of different systems, we encountered only one problem. Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware works fine with the new ATI Mach 64 video drivers. However, if you have an ATI Mach 32 video driver or older, you may encounter problems displaying the graphics. A simple solution is to update your video driver by contacting your computer manufacturer. Another solution is to switch to the standard WINDOWS SVGA driver while playing Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware. To switch graphics drivers in Windows 3.1, double click on the MAIN program group, double click on WINDOWS SETUP, then select the appropriate 640x480 256 color graphics driver for your system. If you have any difficulties, contact your computer manufacturer's technical support. They should help you install the necessary drivers. WINDOWS NT, OS/2 and SOFT WINDOWS: Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware is designed to run under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, and we cannot make any guarantees about other operating systems. If you want to run Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware under Windows NT, OS/2, Soft Windows or any other system, you are on your own as far as tech support goes. I will tell you what we do know. After feedback from our beta testers, it seems like Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware runs under OS/2. It also appears to run under Soft Windows, but it's much slower than on a PC. Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware also seems to run under Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0.