@07@Mutants Mutants is based in the year 2050 where kaos predominates the world and laws of order and civilization are scarce. As a Mutant player in this game your goal is to battle your way through all 15 levels to face off with the leader of the Mutant Warriors. Through your journey and battles you will meet many people and discover a lot of things. Not all of the people you will meet are friendly and some are down right savage. Clues and information on how to achieve your goals are provided along the way but it is up to you to find them. One major obstacle in the game is your Mutant Power. It is your defense and has many advantages. By the same token, it also has many disadvantages too which you will discover as you venture. Each Mutant Power has it's benefits and limitations so the game plays differently for everyone. Not all Mutants will be able to do the same things as others. You have already chosen your power and hopefully you have made a good choice for you are stuck with it now. (Or are you?) May Azura's spirit guide you on your adventure!