Anthony Van Pyre Would anyone like to join my team Creatures of the Nite? Write me. Rogue Ok, who hexed me?!? Wolfy I found the Underground! Yea! They have me 500 credits! Alfred Noll How did you find the underground Wolfy? ThE UnKnOwN I'll join up with you Anthony...what's the password? Bruiser The Underground is not for you do-gooders. Become EVIL!! Rogue Good always triumphs over evil Bruiser... The Vixen Not true in this game Rogue. Depends how you play it. Nyx N'Farius Pledge your alliance to me and you will not get crushed! Wolfy What you gonna give me Alfred in exchange for the Underground? Groth Where do I find the Library? Anyone know? Zargia Computers replaced books Groth. Where did you hear of a library? Anthony Van Pyre Neither books or computers can help you Zargia. Rogue Bold words Mr. Van Pyre! Le'me know if you need backup k? Alfred Noll Wolfy, I'll give you 2000 credits and let you on my team. Deal?